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Project: A Framework for Improving Analysis and Modeling of Earth System and Intersectoral Dynamics at Regional Scales (HyperFACETS)
Title Contact Institution Date
LSTM-based data integration to improve snow water equivalent prediction and diagnose error sources RGMA Kathryn Lawson Pennsylvania State University
Windstorms in a Warmer World RGMA MSD Sara C Pryor Cornell University
The 1996 Mid-Atlantic Winter Flood: Exploring Climate Risk through a Storyline Approach RGMA MSD Colin Zarzycki Pennsylvania State University
A Storyline Analysis of Hurricane Irma's Precipitation Under Various Levels of Climate Warming RGMA MSD Kevin Reed Stony Brook University
Subseasonal Clustering of Atmospheric Rivers Over the Western United States RGMA Emily Slinskey University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
Wildfire Typing Improves Wildfire Predictions in the Western United States RGMA L. Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Compound Continental Risk of Multiple Extreme Floods in the United States RGMA Naresh Devineni City University of New York (City College)
Projecting Future Energy Production from Wind Farms – Part 3 RGMA MSD Sara C Pryor Cornell University
How Humanists, Climate Scientists, and Communities Can Co-Produce Narratives for Action RGMA MSD Linda Shenk Iowa State University
Urban Land Patterns Can Moderate Population Exposures to Climate Extremes RGMA MSD Melissa S. Bukovsky University of Wyoming
Warm Arctic-Cold Continents Phenomenon: From Peak to Plummet in the 2030s RGMA Simon Wang Utah State University
Real-Time Attribution of the Influence of Climate Change on Extreme Weather Events: A Storyline Case Study of Hurricane Ian Rainfall RGMA MSD Michael Wehner Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) - Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division
How Past U.S. Weather Events Could Replay in Future Climate Scenarios RGMA MSD Jennie Rice Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Typologies of Actionable Climate Information and its Use RGMA MSD Kripa Jagannathan Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
A Review of Recent Advances in Urban Flood Research RGMA Naresh Devineni City University of New York (City College)
Simultaneous Large Wildfires Will Increase in the Western U.S. RGMA Seth McGinnis National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Differentiable Modeling to Unify Machine Learning and Physical Models for Geosciences RGMA MSD Chaopeng Shen Pennsylvania State University
Does Dynamical Downscaling at 12km Resolution Add Value to the Representation of Precipitation? RGMA MSD Abhishekh Srivastava University of California - Davis
The suitability of differentiable, physics-informed machine learning hydrologic models for ungauged regions and climate change impact assessment RGMA Renu Joseph, The Pennsylvania State University - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Evaluating the Simulation of CONUS Precipitation by Storm Type in E3SM RGMA Kevin Reed Stony Brook University
Cost of Energy from Large Offshore Wind Arrays RGMA MSD Sara C Pryor Cornell University
Global Tropical Cyclone Precipitation Scaling with Sea Surface Temperature RGMA MSD Kevin Reed Stony Brook University
A Research Agenda for the Science Of Actionable Knowledge (SOAK) RGMA MSD Kripa Jagannathan Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
From Supercomputers to Regional Climate Data: Exploring Best Practices for “Variable-Resolution” Modeling RGMA MSD L. Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Evaluating Contemporary and Future-Scenario Substantial-Precipitation Events in the Missouri River Basin Using Object-Oriented Analysis RGMA MSD William J. Gutowski, Jr. Iowa State University
Winter Windstorms in Pseudo-Global Warming Experiments RGMA MSD Sara C Pryor Cornell University
Climate Drivers for Summertime Air Quality Issues in the Intermountain West MSD Yoshimitsu Chikamoto Utah State University
The June 2012 North American Derecho: A Testbed for Regional and Cloud-System Resolving Models ESMD RGMA Paul A. Ullrich University of California - Davis
Temperature outweighs light and flow as the predominant driver of dissolved oxygen in US rivers RGMA Kathryn Lawson Pennsylvania State University
Global Warming is Linked to Monsoon Precipitation Extremes RGMA Simon Wang Utah State University

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