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Project: A Framework for Improving Analysis and Modeling of Earth System and Intersectoral Dynamics at Regional Scales (HyperFACETS)
Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
The 1996 Mid-Atlantic Winter Flood: Exploring Climate Risk through a Storyline Approach RGMA MSD Journal Article Pettett, Abigail Pennsylvania State University
A storyline analysis of Hurricane Irma’s precipitation under various levels of climate warming RGMA MSD Journal Article Huprikar, Annika S Stony Brook University
Subseasonal Clustering of Atmospheric Rivers Over the Western United States RGMA Journal Article Slinskey, Emily A. University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
Antecedent Hydrometeorological Conditions of Wildfire Occurrence in the Western U.S. in a Changing Climate RGMA Journal Article Chen, Xiaodong Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Compound Continental Risk of Multiple Extreme Floods in the United States RGMA Journal Article Najibi, Nasser Cornell University
Projecting Future Energy Production from Operating Wind Farms in North America. Part III: Variability RGMA MSD Journal Article Coburn, Jacob J Cornell University
Minding the Gaps: How Humanists, Climate Scientists, and Communities Can Become Collaborating Storytellers RGMA MSD Journal Article Shenk, Linda S Iowa State University
Urban land patterns can moderate population exposures to climate extremes over the 21st century RGMA MSD Journal Article Gao, Jing University of Delaware
Growing Pacific Linkage with Western North Atlantic Explosive Cyclogenesis RGMA Journal Article Stuivenvolt-Allen, Jacob Utah State University
Real-time attribution of the influence of climate change on extreme weather events: a storyline case study of Hurricane Ian rainfall RGMA MSD Journal Article Reed, Kevin A Stony Brook University
Continental United States climate projections based on thermodynamic modification of historical weather RGMA MSD Journal Article Jones, Andrew D. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Typologies of actionable climate information and its use RGMA MSD Journal Article Jagannathan, Kripa Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Future regional increases in simultaneous large Western USA wildfires RGMA Journal Article McGinnis, Seth National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
A review of recent advances in urban flood research RGMA Journal Article Agonafir, Candace City University of New York (City College)
Differentiable modelling to unify machine learning and physical models for geosciences RGMA MSD Journal Article Shen, Chaopeng Pennsylvania State University
Assessment of WRF (v 4.2.1) dynamically downscaled precipitation on subdaily and daily timescales over CONUS RGMA MSD Journal Article Srivastava, Abhishekh Kumar University of California - Davis
The suitability of differentiable, physics-informed machine learning hydrologic models for ungauged regions and climate change impact assessment RGMA Journal Article Feng, Dapeng Pennsylvania State University
Evaluating the Simulation of CONUS Precipitation by Storm Type in E3SM RGMA Journal Article Reed, K. A. Stony Brook University
Modeling Annual Electricity Production and Levelized Cost of Energy from the US East Coast Offshore Wind Energy Lease Areas RGMA MSD Journal Article Barthelmie, Rebecca J. Cornell University
Global tropical cyclone precipitation scaling with sea surface temperature RGMA MSD Journal Article Stansfield, Alyssa M. Stony Brook University
A research agenda for the science of actionable knowledge: Drawing from a review of the most misguided to the most enlightened claims in the science-policy interface literature RGMA MSD Journal Article Jagannathan, Kripa Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Technical descriptions of the experimental dynamical downscaling simulations over North America by the CAM–MPAS variable-resolution model RGMA MSD Journal Article Sakaguchi , Koichi Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Evaluating Contemporary and Future-Scenario Substantial-Precipitation Events in the Missouri River Basin Using Object-Oriented Analysis RGMA MSD Journal Article Fisel, Brandon J. Iowa State University
Assessing the impact of global warming on windstorms in the northeastern United States using the pseudo-global-warming method RGMA MSD Journal Article Sethunadh, Jisesh Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
The June 2012 North American Derecho: A Testbed for Evaluating Regional and Global Climate Modeling Systems at Cloud‐Resolving Scales ESMD RGMA Journal Article Liu, W. University of California - Davis
Temperature outweighs light and flow as the predominant driver of dissolved oxygen in US rivers RGMA Journal Article Zhi, Wei Pennsylvania State University
Asian-Australian summer monsoons linkage to ENSO strengthened by global warming RGMA Journal Article Xu, Chenxi Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Assessing the Influence of a Bias Correction Method on Future Climate Scenarios Using SWAT as an Impact Model Indicator RGMA MSD Journal Article Brighenti, Tássia Mattos Iowa State University
Sharpening of cold-season storms over the western United States RGMA MSD Journal Article Chen, Xiaodong Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Evolution of the Internal Climate Modes under Future Warming RGMA MSD Journal Article Coburn, Jacob J Cornell University

Showing 31 - 60 of 181