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Publication Date
14 March 2019

gcamdata: An R Package for Preparation, Synthesis, and Tracking of Input Data for the GCAM Integrated Human-Earth Systems Model



The increasing data requirements of complex models demand robust, reproducible, and transparent systems to track and prepare models’ inputs. Here we describe version 1.0 of the gcamdata R package that processes raw inputs to produce the hundreds of XML files needed by the GCAM integrated human-earth systems model. It features extensive functional and unit testing, data tracing and visualization, and enforces metadata, documentation, and flexibility in its component data-processing subunits. Although this package is specific to GCAM, many of its structural pieces and approaches should be broadly applicable to, and reusable by, other complex model/data systems aiming to improve transparency, reproducibility, and flexibility.

“Gcamdata: An R Package For Preparation, Synthesis, And Tracking Of Input Data For The Gcam Integrated Human-Earth Systems Model”. 2019. Journal Of Open Research Software 7: 6. doi:10.5334/jors.232.
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