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Publication Date
1 November 2020

Coastal Integrated Hydro Terrestrial Modeling: A Multi-Agency Invited Workshop



Organized around five sessions held over five days, the workshop series focused on the challenges of modeling and evaluating coastal landscapes of co-evolving human and natural systems subject to influences and stressors, including extreme weather events, sea level rise, natural and anthropogenic disturbances, and other impacts from climate change. The effort was jointly planned and undertaken by the federal interagency C-IHTM Coordinating Group within the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) and the MultiSector Dynamics (MSD) research community. The five-day virtual workshop included robust participation from a wide range of science and engineering research communities.

Vallario, Robert, Jeffrey Arnold, and John Weyant. 2020. “Coastal Integrated Hydro Terrestrial Modeling: A Multi-Agency Invited Workshop ”. Washington, DC: U.S. Global Change Research Program.
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