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Project: Integrated Multisector, Multiscale Modeling (IM3) Scientific Focus Area
Title Date
Optimal Resolution Urban Terrain Inputs to Microclimate Modeling for Local Climate Decision Support MSD
Addressing uncertainty in MultiSector Dynamics research: an eBook guide for novice and experienced modelers MSD
Exploring the consistency of inferred water shortage vulnerabilities using rival framings of adaptive demands in a multi-actor, multi-sector river basin MSD
Improving Urban Form Predictions to Improve Urban Microclimate Models. MSD
Anthropogenic Heating of the Urban Environment under Extreme Heat Conditions MSD
Exploring Surface-Groundwater Interactions and their Implications for Water Scarcity MSD -
Coevolution of future water, energy and land systems across the United States in response to national and global socioeconomic, climate, and energy policy drivers. MSD
Where Should We Paint the Roof White? MSD
Opening Up: The Benefits of Adopting Open Science Principles in a Large Multi-Institutional Modeling Project MSD
Local and Global Drivers of Irrigation Water Demand in California: Interacting Implications of Climate Change and Adaptation MSD
Projections of climate change impacts on crop yields are strongly sensitive to agro-hydrologic model parameterization MSD
Understanding how water scarcity vulnerabilities vary across multi-sectoral users within institutionally complex river basins MSD
Implications of Variable Decision-making and Social Networks for Regional LULCC Modeling MSD -
A New Typology for Representing Human Decision Making in MultiSector Dynamics (MSD) Models MSD -
Representing adaptive irrigation response to changing water availability and crop prices in a coupled human-water system model of the Continental United States. MSD
Advances and gaps on propagating the impact of climate change on future water availability through the energy planning process: a Western US Case Study MSD
A Bayesian approach to determining the feasibility of electricity capacity expansion plans MSD
Urban Scaling as Validation for Predictions of Imperviousness from Population MSD -
MultiSector Influences on Urban Water Supply Across the United States MSD
An Analytical Framework for Water-Electricity Resilience Planning in the U.S. (Invited) MSD
Integrating Forest Policy and Management Practices into a Size-Structured Vegetation Model, FATES-CLM MSD
Climate-Water Impacts on Interconnection-Scale Electricity System Planning MSD
Classifying the Complexity of Coupled Energy-Water-Land Systems in the United States MSD
Implications of bioenergy crop expansion on water availability and nitrogen loading over the conterminous United States MSD
Importance of Water Operations and Water Rights in Assessing Future Climate Impacts MSD
Land use and land cover change altered terrestrial water cycle and ecosystem dynamics in the conterminous United States over the past two decades MSD
Land use and land cover changes strongly modulate warm-season precipitation over the Central United States RGMA MSD
Impacts of urban densification on neighborhood heat wave resilience MSD
Does Urban Population Predict Urban Imperviousness? MSD
Quantifying the adaptive water management decision in the San Juan River Basin under climate change MSD

Showing 91 - 120 of 135