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Project: PCMDI – An Earth System Model Evaluation Project
Title Date
Evaluating climate models' cloud feedbacks against expert judgement RGMA
The Differing Responses of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds to Climate Warming RGMA
Clarifying the near-term anthropogenic warming rate by filtering annual variability using a physics based Green’s function approach RGMA
What does the CMIP6 ensemble tell us about ongoing and future changes in precipitation extremes? RGMA
Chapter 3: Human influence on the climate system RGMA
Striking the right balance between holistic performance metrics and process-oriented diagnostics RGMA
The role of the mean state on MJO simulation in CESM2 ensemble simulation RGMA
Revisiting AMOC Transport Estimates from Models and Observations RGMA
Identifiable signatures of greenhouse gases and particulate atmospheric pollution on the changing hydroclimate RGMA
Natural variability can explain model-satellite differences in tropical tropospheric warming RGMA
Observational constraints on decadal low cloud feedbacks associated with varying sea surface temperature patterns RGMA
Assessing prior emergent constraints on surface albedo feedback in CMIP6 RGMA
Cloud feedbacks cause higher climate sensitivity in CMIP6. What do observations say? RGMA
Benchmarking Simulated Precipitation in Earth System Models RGMA
Evaluating hydrologic sensitivity in CMIP6: internal variability versus anthropogenic forcing RGMA
Are newer climate models better in simulating extratropical modes of variability than older ones?: A comparison between CMIP3, 5, and 6 models RGMA
Representation of Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in CMIP6 Models ESMD RGMA
A new metrics package for ENSO evaluation in CMIP models RGMA
Can GCMs produce credible projections of changes in extreme precipitation? (Invited) RGMA
Evaluating the magnitude of extreme daily and sub-daily precipitation in CMIP6 models RGMA
MJO Simulation in CMIP6 Models: How much improvement has been made from CMIP5 to CMIP6? RGMA
Forcing, Feedbacks, and Climate Sensitivity in CMIP6 RGMA
The Unusual Impact of the 1997 El Niño on East Australian Spring Rainfall RGMA
Evaluating the Representation of Northern Hemisphere Surface Albedo Feedback in CMIP6 RGMA
Evaluation of the Energy Distribution Across Time Scale in the Power Spectra of Extratropical Modes of Variability RGMA
Using PCMDI’s Objective Summaries of ESM Performance to Gauge Improvements Across Generations of Model Development RGMA
Positive marine low cloud feedback inferred from satellite cloud observations RGMA
Examining the Effects of Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols on Annual Extreme Rainfall Changes RGMA
Is sea surface salinity the missing subseasonal predictor for U.S. summertime precipitation? RGMA
Contributions to the Spread of Climate Model Forced Responses RGMA

Showing 61 - 90 of 91