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Project: Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM)
Title Date
Simulating marine ice sheet dynamics in MPAS land ice ESMD Poster
Strategy for tuning high-resolution ACME v1 model ESMD Poster
Surface wind stress biases in the Southern Ocean ESMD Poster
Hypsometric analysis improves topography-based subgrid structures for the ACME Land Model ESMD Poster
Tuning the NE30_L72 ACME v1 Atmosphere Model ESMD Poster
Using satellite- and ground-based simulators to evaluate the ACME simulated clouds ESMD Poster
Including variable soil thickness in ALMv2 ESMD Poster
Toward a better prediction of water stress on vegetation dynamics in ACME Land Model ESMD Poster
ACME human component ESMD Presentation
LC Infrastructure discussion (machines, availability, turnaround, low res and high res runs - problems/solutions/strategies) ESMD Presentation
v2 planned experiment ESMD Presentation
v2 new development ESMD Presentation
v2 development cycle overview ESMD Presentation
v1 process for data management, infrastructure, and diagnostics ESMD Presentation
Incorporate realistic spectral emissivity of surfaces into the CESM and the influence on simulated radiation budget, mean climate, and climate changes ESMD Oral, Invited
An examination of systematic biases in ACME solar heating rates - comparison with multi-stream Solar-J ESMD Oral, Invited
Ocean biogeochemistry in the Earth system modeling framework: applications and approach ESMD Oral, Invited
Scale-aware hydrologic and biogeochemical modeling for the Amazon and the world: model enhancement, multi-scale strategies and dataset generation ESMD Oral, Invited
Huge divergence in land-atmosphere carbon exchange resulting from ambiguous numerical couplding between carbon and nitrogen dynamics ESMD Oral, Invited
Evaluating monsoon circulations in ACME v1 ne30 experiments ESMD Oral, Invited
Ocean cavities below ice shelves ESMD Oral, Invited
Initial results from fully coupled high-resolution ACME V0.1 ESMD Oral, Invited
Computational status and 1-, 5-, and 10-year vision ESMD Presentation
Science status and 1-, 5-, and 10-year vision ESMD Presentation
ACME status and 1-, 5-, and 10-year vision ESMD Presentation
ACME BER Overview ESMD Presentation
Non-bit-for-bit solution reproducibility: A new test based on time step convergence ESMD Presentation
Super Lightning Poster Presentations ESMD Poster
Coupled Simulations ESMD Presentation
SE/CPL Group ESMD Presentation

Showing 391 - 420 of 567