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Project: Global Change Intersectoral Modeling System (GCIMS) Scientific Focus Area
Title Date
Analyzing the distributional impacts of global change on food access and availability in a Multi-sector Dynamics, human-Earth System model MSD -
Effects of Global Energy-economic Change on Hydropower Expansion in Eco-sensitive River Basins MSD -
Selection of Earth System Model Outputs as Inputs for Impact and Multisectoral Modeling MSD -
Scenario forcings for CMIP7 MSD -
Simulating flood events at daily time step in the global hydrological model Xanthos using an event-scale runoff generation module MSD -
Long-term Basin-scale Hydropower Expansion under Alternative Scenarios in a Global Multisector Model MSD -
Role of hydropower, wind, and solar in the evolution of global energy under different demand and technological growth scenarios MSD -
Representing Lakes in the Global Hydrological Model Xanthos MSD -
Representing Reservoir Water Storage in an Integrated Model of Global Energy-Water-Land Dynamics MSD -
STITCHES: Emulating ESM Output for Impact and Risk Modeling MSD -
New features, broader accessibility, and improved performance of the Hector v3 simple carbon/climate model MSD -
Methane Parametric Sensitivity of Simple Climate Model Hector MSD -
Conditional Emulation of Global Precipitation with Generative Adversarial Networks MSD -
Challenges and Opportunities for Uncertainty Analysis in Multi-Sector Systems MSD -
Discovering Human and Earth System Drivers of Global Peak Water Limits MSD -
The Future Evolution of Global Natural Gas Trade MSD -
A new scenario framework for the Multi-Sector Dynamics and related communities MSD -
The Future Global Water Savings Potential of Agricultural Market Integration MSD -
Tethys 2.0: A Tool to Explore Global Monthly Sectoral Water Withdrawals and Consumption at 1/8<sup>th</sup> Degree Resolution in Response to Human and Earth System Dynamics Across Alternative Futures MSD -
A global land data system to provide variable high-resolution spatial products MSD
Large EMulated ENSembles (LEMENS) Enable Robust Evaluation of Climate Impacts on Extreme Drought Events MSD -
A new global water management module: Distributed vs. Lumped representations MSD
Role of energy storage in US capacity expansion pathways with improved modeling of power sector dynamics MSD
Urban environmental changes and its implications in the coupled human-nature system MSD
Unique temporal patterns of future agricultural impacts – Changes in average yield and the volatility of regional production against global warming levels MSD
Exploring sea-level rise uncertainties using CMIP5/CMIP6 ensembles combined with a reduced complexity climate model (Hector-BRICK) MSD
Estimating Future Virtual Water Trading within the U.S. Electricity Grid MSD
The evolution of energy-water-agriculture inter-connectivity across scales in the U.S. MSD
Permafrost in a Simple Carbon-Climate Model MSD
Global land use for 2015-2100 at 0.05° resolution under diverse socioeconomic and climate scenarios MSD -

Showing 31 - 60 of 90