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Project: Integrated Coastal Modeling (ICoM)
Title Date
The role of interacting watershed-coastal processes in modulating compound flood in a convergent estuary MSD -
Cohering insights on coupled human-water interactions across diverse human systems modeling approaches MSD -
Challenges and Opportunities for Uncertainty Analysis in Multi-Sector Systems MSD -
A retrospective and prospective examination of the 1960s U.S. Northeast Drought. ESMD RGMA MSD -
Deep Learning Experiments for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasts MSD
Convergence of Multisector Dynamics (Human) and Natural Systems in Coastal Environments MSD
Sensitivity of compound flooding potential to idealized large-scale tropical cyclone environments ESMD RGMA MSD
An Agent-based Model of Coastal Urban Development in the Greater Baltimore Region MSD
Understanding the Large-Scale Drivers of Precipitation in the Northeastern United States Via Linear Orthogonal Decomposition ESMD RGMA MSD -
Population Downscaling Using High-Resolution, Temporally-Rich U.S. Property Data MSD
A Risk Analysis Framework for Tropical Cyclones (RAFT) ESMD RGMA MSD
Integrated Terrestrial-Coastal Modeling System: DHSVM-FVCOM-RIFT ESMD RGMA MSD
UNSAFE: An UNcertain Structure And Fragility Ensemble framework for property-level flood risk estimation MSD
Integrated fluvial-pluvial-coastal flood modeling in coastal urban regions ESMD RGMA MSD
Assessment of the impacts of adaptive human decisions in multi-sector evolution RGMA MSD

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