River Routing and Water Management with mosartwmpy
mosartwmpy1 is a large-scale river routing and water management model utilized by the Integrated Multisector, Multiscale Modeling (IM3) project as part of a multi-model system to study the effects of various climate and socioeconomic pathways on water availability and scarcity across the conterminous United States. This Python implementation of MOSART-WM (a Fortran codebase embedded in a tightly coupled multi-model system) emphasizes ease-of-use, cross-system portability, and low-barrier feature extensibility. Recent model extensions include a prototype farmer Agent Based Model (ABM) that adapts crop selection to water availability and market forces, and a data-driven dam storage and release module based on ResOpsUS that can replace or augment generic seasonal operation rules. One instance of mosartwmpy application within IM3 is modeling reservoir storage droughts, a characterization of how human systems respond to meteorological and hydrological droughts in a changing climate. Other groups are employing mosartwmpy in diverse projects including the tracing of effluents in the US water network, scenario-based projections of regional hydropower in the US and Canada, and studies of alternate uses of hydropower in the Niger river basin. The poster will highlight the software implementation, mosartwmpy’s place in the IM3 modeling framework, and ongoing research.
1: Model for Scale-Adaptive River Transport and Water Management (MOSART-WM) Python