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Earth and Environmental System Modeling (EESM) PI Meeting 2018

Event Date
Monday, November 5, 2018 at 2:00am - Friday, November 9, 2018 at 12:00pm
Funding Program Area(s)

The first Earth and Environmental System Modeling (EESM) Principal Investigator's Meeting was held November 5 to 9, 2018, at the Bolger Center, in Potomac, Maryland.  EESM is a program of the Climate and Environmental Sciences Division in the Office of Biological and Environmental Research within the Department of Energy's Office of Science. EESM consists of three research program areas: Earth System Model DevelopmentRegional and Global Model Analysis, and MultiSector Dynamics.

A joint plenary was held the first two days, followed by focused sessions for each individual program activity. Poster and breakout sessions were conducted throughout the week. See the agenda, or view abstracts, for more information about the meeting.