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AGU Fall Meeting 2013

Event Date
Monday, December 9, 2013 at 12:00am - Friday, December 13, 2013 at 12:00am

This year’s meeting of the AGU Fall Meeting will be held December 9-13, 2013, in San Francisco, California. More than 24,000 geophysicists from around the world are expected to attend and present more than 15,000 posters and give 7,000 oral presentations in a range of Earth and space sciences.

For more information regarding submission guidelines or the AGU membership requirements, visit the meeting website. The following sessions will be convened by climate modeling researchers at the Fall Meeting.


Presentations Featuring DOE Climate Modeling Research

Monday, December 9

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters
Town Hall
Town Hall TH15C-01. DOE and NSF interest in Water Cycle Modeling for Climate Renu Joseph; David Lesmes; Bob Vallario; Thomas Torgersen
A12A. Climate Sensitivity and Feedbacks: Advances and New Paradigms II
Oral A12A-05. Idealized Climate Change Experiments from the CMIP5 Archive Brian Medeiros; Bjorn B. Stevens; Sandrine Bony
Oral Invited A12A-08. Data Mining the CMIP5 Archive for Constraints on Climate Sensitivity Peter Caldwell; Mark D. Zelinka; Stephen A. Klein; Benjamin D. Santer; Benjamin M. Sanderson
A13J. From Air Pollution to Climate Changes in Asia III
Oral Invited A13J-02. Aerosol Impacts on Deep Convective Clouds: Mechanism, Significance, and Parameterization Jiwen Fan; Lai-Yung Leung; Daniel Rosenfeld; Qian Chen; Kyo-sun Lim; Zhanqing Li; Jinqiang Zhang; Hongru Yan
B11H. Biosphere-Atmosphere Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Terrestrial Ecosystems I
Oral B11H-07.Predicting diffuse light-enhancement of GPP from plant functional traits: A multi-site synthesis Thomas L. O'Halloran; Jordan G. Barr; Benjamin Cook; Mathias Goeckede; Beverly E. Law; Lara M. Kueppers; William J. Riley
B11M. Model Intercomparisons: Syntheses that Inform Scientific Understanding II
Oral B11M-03. Climate Extremes and Ecosystem Productivity in Global Warming Simulations Ian N. Williams; Margaret S. Torn; William J. Riley; Michael F. Wehner; William Collins
B12C. Emerging Frontiers in Biogeosciences II
Oral Invited B12C-07. Nutrient regulation of the tropical carbon cycle response to environmental change Xiaojuan Yang; Peter E. Thornton; Daniel M. Ricciuto; Xiaoying Shi
B13M. Model Intercomparisons: Syntheses That Inform Scientific Understanding
Oral Invited B13M-07. Causes and Implications of Persistent Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Biases in Earth System Models Forrest M. Hoffman; James T. Randerson; Vivek Arora; Qing Bao; Katharina D. Six; Patricia Cadule; Duoying Ji; Chris D. Jones; Michio Kawamiya; Samar Khatiwala; Keith T. Lindsay; Atsushi Obata; Elena Shevliakova; Jerry F. Tjiputra; Evgeny M. Volodin; Tongwen Wu
GC13E. Natural- and Human-Induced Changes in the Global Water Cycle from Observations and Model Simulations and Implications for Water Resources
Oral GC11A-0967. Evaluating global streamflow simulations by a physically based routing model coupled with the Community Land Model Hong-Yi Li; L. Ruby Leung; Augusto Getirana; Maoyi Huang; Huan Wu; Yubin Xu
H11N. Eco-hydrology in a Changing Environment I
Oral H11N-06. Quantifying evaporation and transpiration fluxes of an Eucalyptus woodland in complex terrain with varying tree cover using the Maximum Entropy Production model of evapotranspiration Hugo A. Gutierrez-Jurado; Huade Guan; Hailong Wang; Jingfeng Wang; Rafael L. Bras; Craig T. Simmons
H12B. Advances in Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions II
Oral H12B-02. Assessing latent heat flux estimates from the Community Land Model using GRACE and FLUXNET-MTE data Sean C. Swenson; David M. Lawrence
Poster Sessions
Poster A11C-0034. Calculation and Use of Metrics to Estimate Near-Term Climate Forcing William Collins
Poster A11C-0057. Investigating the Forcing-Per-Emission Relationship of Regional BC Direct and Cloud-Related Climate Effects Yanju Chen; Tami C. Bond; Hailong Wang; Balwinder Singh; Philip J. Rasch
Poster A11E-0097. On the Air Motion in Continental Shallow Cumulus Clouds: Large-Eddy Simulation Versus Radar Observation Yunyan Zhang; Arun Chandra; Stephen A. Klein
Poster A21B-0020. Does Internal Climate Variability Impact Radiative Feedback Estimates? Alexandra K. Jonko
Poster B11E-0397. Evaluating Terrestrial Ecosystem Model Performance: An Application of Uncertainty in Eddy Covariance CO2 Flux Measurements HueiJin Wang; William J. Riley; William Collins
Poster B11G-0431. Landscape Characterization for the Identification of Environmental Gradients in the Tropics Damian M. Maddalena; Forrest M. Hoffman; Jitendra Kumar
Poster B13D-0543. Advantages of Estimating Parameters of Photosynthesis Model by Fitting A-Ci Curves at Multiple Subsaturating Light Intensities Wenting Fu; Lianhong Gu; Forrest M. Hoffman
Poster GC11A-0967. Evaluating Global Streamflow Simulations by a Physically Based Routing Model Coupled with the Community Land Model Hong-Yi Li; L. Ruby Leung; Augusto Getirana; Maoyi Huang; Huan Wu; Yubin Xu
Poster H11A-1144. Exploring the Linkage Between Flood Frequency and Annual Water Balance Over the Contiguous United States Based on Data-Analysis Jiali Guo; Hong-Yi Li; Shenglian Guo; L. Ruby Leung; Pan Liu; Murugesu Sivapalan
Poster H11J-1274. An Integrated Assessment of Energy-Water Nexus at the State Level in the United States: Projections and Analyses Under Different Scenarios through 2095 Lu Liu; Pralit L. Patel; Mohamad I. Hejazi; Page Kyle; Evan G. Davies; Yuyu Zhou; Leon Clarke; James Edmonds

Tuesday, December 10

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
A24D. Multi-scale Organization of Tropical Convection: Modeling Activities Utilizing YOTC and DYNAMO/CINDY II
Oral Invited A24D-01. Insights into systematic errors of climate models gained with a weather-forecast approach during the Years of Tropical Convection Stephen A. Klein; Keith D. Williams 4:00 pm, 3012 (Moscone West)
Oral Invited A24D-02. Application of radar observations to the evaluation and improvement of high resolution model simulations of cloud populations in MJO Samson M. Hagos; Zhe Feng; Charles N. Long; Kyo-sun Lim 4:15 pm, 3012 (Moscone West)
Oral A24D-05. Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCS) in a YOTC MJO event William C. Skamarock; Mitchell W. Moncrieff; Jimy Dudhia; Romain Pilon; Chidong Zhang 5:00 pm, 3012 (Moscone West)
B24C. Soil Change and Soil Organic Matter Dynamics in the Anthropocene III
Oral Invited B24C-01. The emergent temperature sensitivity of decomposition from interactions between microbes, substrates, and the soil environment Jinyun Tang; William J. Riley 4:00 pm, 2004 (Moscone West)
GC21F. Cutting-Edge Challenges in Climate Change Science II
Oral Invited GC21F-02. Decadal Climate Variability and Prediction: Understanding the Mid-1970s Climate Shift and the Early-2000s Hiatus Aixue Hu; Gerald A. Meehl; Haiyan Teng; Julie Arblaster; Grant Branstator; John Fasullo; Kevin E. Trenberth 8:15 am, 3001 (Moscone West)
GC22A. Water, Climate Variability, and the Anthropocene I
Oral Invited GC22A-01. Modeling the Integrated Water Cycle in an Earth System Model Lai-Yung Leung; Hong-Yi Li; Nathalie Voisin; Mohamad I. Hejazi; Maoyi Huang; Lu Liu; Teklu K. Tesfa 10:20 am, 3003 (Moscone West)
GC22B. Understanding and Quantifying Changes in the Water Cycle II
Oral Invited GC22B-01. Identifying External Influences on Global Precipitation Kate Marvel; Celine Bonfils 10:20 am, 3001 (Moscone West)
Oral Invited GC22B-07. Salty-Ocean Water Cycle Variability and Change Paul J. Durack; Peter J. Gleckler; N L. Bindoff 11:50 am, 3001 (Moscone West)
GC23F. Advances in Reservoir Modeling and Monitoring from Regional to Global Scales II
Oral GC23F-08. Use of Satellite Remote Sensing to Evaluate an Integrated Global Land Surface Hydrology - Routing - Water Resources Management Model Nathalie Voisin; Maoyi Huang; Hong-Yi Li; L. Ruby Leung 3:25 pm, 3003 (Moscone West)
IN21D. Big Data Analytic Systems: Computing and Collaborating Effectively in Distributed Systems I
Oral IN21D-08. ClimatePipes: User-Friendly Data Access, Manipulation, Analysis & Visualization of Community Climate Models Aashish Chaudhary; Dave DeMarle; Ben Burnett; Chris Harris; Wendel Silva; Daniel Osmari; Berk Geveci; Claudio Silva; Charles Doutriaux; Dean N. Williams 9:45 am, 2020 (Moscone West)
IN24A. Evolution of Climate Modeling Information Systems and Analytical Approaches II
Oral Invited IN24A-01. Monitoring Climate Model Performance in an Era of Explosive Data Growth Peter J. Gleckler 4:00 pm, 3023 (Moscone West)
Oral IN24A-03. Extreme Value Statistics of Large Climate Modeled and Observed Datasets Michael F. Wehner; Christopher J. Paciorek; Mr. Prabhat; Harinarayan Krishnan; William Collins; Wes Bethel 5:00 pm, 3024 (Moscone West)
Oral Invited IN24A-04. Data Management and Analysis in Support of Community Climate Science Dean N. Williams 5:15 pm, 3024 (Moscone West)
Oral IN24A-06. The Future of Climate Science Analysis in a Coming Era of Exascale Computing Susan C. Bates; Gary Strand 5:45 pm, 3024 (Moscone West)
Poster Sessions
Poster A21B-0032. An Assessment of Arctic Cloud-Albedo Feedbacks in the CMIP5 Archive and Prospects for Satellite Instrument Constraint John Paige; Daniel Feldman; William Collins 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A21E-0095. On the Correspondence Between Mean Forecast Errors and Climate Errors in CMIP5 Models Shaocheng Xie; Hsi-Yen Ma; Stephen A. Klein; Keith D. Williams; James S. Boyle; Sandrine Bony; Hervé Douville; Solange Fermepin; Brian Medeiros; Sophie Tyteca; Masahiro Watanabe; David L. Williamson 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A21E-0097. Global vs. Local MJO Forecast Skills of ECMWF During DYNAMO Jian Ling; Peter Bauer; Peter Bechtold; Anton Beljaars; Richard Forbes; Mark J. Rodwell; Frederic Vitart; Marcela Ulate; Chidong Zhang 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A23B-0229. Exploring Application and Measurement of Radiation Entropy for Planet Research Yangang Liu; Wei Wu; Warren J. Wiscombe 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A23C-0256. A New Framework to Study Convective Transport of Non-Conserved Quantities Using Stochastic Lagrangian Particles Wolfgang Langhans; Kyongmin Yeo; David M. Romps 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A23D-0278. The Impact of Methane Clathrate Emissions on the Earth System Philip J. Cameron-Smith; Subarna Bhattacharyya; Daniel J. Bergmann; Matthew T. Reagan; Scott Elliott; George J. Moridis 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A23E-0292. Evaluating High Resolution Climate Model Predictability and Skill in Response to the Mount Pinatubo Eruption Abigail L. Gaddis; Katherine J. Evans 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster GC21A-0803. Modelling Precipitation and Temperature Extremes: The Importance of Horizontal Resolution Christine A. Shields; Jeffrey T. Kiehl; Gerald A. Meehl 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster GC21A-0818. Precipitation Response to the Current ENSO Variability in a Warming World Celine Bonfils; Benjamin D. Santer; Thomas J. Phillips; Kate Marvel; L. Ruby Leung 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster GC21A-0823. Simulating Changes in Precipitation Associated with the 2011 US Mid-West Floods Pardeep Pall; Dáithí A. Stone; Michael F. Wehner 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster GC23C-0947. Impacts of Natural and Human-Induced Changes on Regional Flood Frequency Over the Contiguous United States Yubin Xu; Hong-Yi Li; L. Ruby Leung; Huan Wu; Jiali Guo; Maoyi Huang; Xiuwan Chen 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster H21B-1020. Scaling of Soil Moisture in Presence of Polygonal Ground Features in Arctic Ecosystem Gautam Bisht; William J. Riley 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster H21B-1023. Predicting Fine-Scale Watershed-Scale Soil Moisture Heterogeneity Using Surrogate and Coarse Model Simulations William J. Riley; Chaopeng Shen 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster H21C-1053. Performance Evaluation and Uncertainty Analysis of Hydrologic Components of the CESM/iESM Enhao Du; Alan V. Di Vittorio; William Collins 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster IN21B-1388. Distributing Reanalysis Data on the Earth System Grid Federation Gerald L. Potter; Michael G. Bosilovich; Dick P. Dee; Gilbert P Compo; Kazutoshi Onogi; Suranjana Saha; Laura Carriere; Denis Nadeau; Dean N. Williams 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Co-Convener Sessions
Co-Convener Session H21B. Advances in Spatial Scaling of Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes I Posters Convener(s): Chaopeng Shen (Pennsylvania State University Main Campus), Chad Higgins (Oregon State University), Eric Pardyjak (University of Utah) and William Riley (Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab) 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Co-Convener Session H23I. Advances in Spatial Scaling of Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes II Convener(s): Chaopeng Shen (Pennsylvania State University Main Campus), Chad Higgins (Oregon State University), Eric Pardyjak (University of Utah) and William Riley (Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab) 1:40 pm, 3018 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session H24A. Advances in Spatial Scaling of Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes III Convener(s): Chaopeng Shen (Pennsylvania State University Main Campus), Chad Higgins (Oregon State University), Eric Pardyjak (University of Utah) and William Riley (Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab) 4:00 pm, 3018 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session IN21B. Evolution of Climate Modeling Information Systems and Analytical Approaches I Posters Convener(s): Tsengdar Lee (NASA), Amy Braverman ( ), Renu Joseph (US Department of Energy) and Douglas Nychka (NCAR) 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Co-Convener Session IN24A. Evolution of Climate Modeling Information Systems and Analytical Approaches II Convener(s): Tsengdar Lee (NASA), Amy Braverman ( ), Renu Joseph (US Department of Energy) and Douglas Nychka (NCAR) 4:00 pm, 3024 (Moscone West)

Wednesday, December 11

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
Town Hall
Town Hall TH32C-01. DOE Atmospheric Model-Measurements Testbeds Sally McFarlane; Dorothy Koch; Wanda Ferrell 12:30 pm, 2004 (Moscone West)
A31H. Advances in Numerical Methods for Atmosphere and Ocean Modeling I
Oral Invited A31H-03. Nonhydrostatic adaptive mesh dynamics for multiscale climate models William Collins; Hans Johansen; Peter McCorquodale; Phillip Colella; Paul A. Ullrich 8:30 am, 3012 (Moscone West)
Oral A31H-05. A Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Dynamical-Core for Climate Modeling David M. Hall 9:00 am, 3012 (Moscone West)
A32B. New Atmospheric Sciences Fellows Presentations (Virtual Option)
Oral A32B-01. Future Earth and Environmental System Modeling Warren M. Washington 10:20 am, 2022 (Moscone West)
Oral Invited A32B-05. Challenges in Modeling Regional Climate Change Lai-Yung Leung 11:20 am, 2022 (Moscone West)
A33J. The Madden-Julian Oscillation: Its Initiation, Identification, and Structure II
Oral A33J-03. Transition from Shallow to Deep Convection and Initiation of MJO during AMIE/DYNAMO Zhe Feng; Samson M. Hagos; Kiranmayi Landu; Charles N. Long; Chidong Zhang 2:10 pm, 3012 (Moscone West)
Oral A33J-06. Cloud and Precipitation Variations Associated with MJO Events Observed from AMIE/DYNAMO and ARM TWP Sites Min Deng; Charles N. Long; Sally A. McFarlane; Chidong Zhang; Jay Mace 2:55 pm, 3012 (Moscone West)
A33K. Fast Physics in Climate Models and Cloud-Resolving Models: Parameterization, Evaluation, and Observation II
Oral A33K-05. Evaluation of triggering functions in convective parameterization schemes using observations Suhas Ettammal; Guang J. Zhang 2:40 pm, 3006 (Moscone West)
Oral A33K-07. Parameterizing large-scale dynamics with the weak pressure gradient approximation Jacob P. Edman; David M. Romps 3:10 pm, 3006 (Moscone West)
A34D. Fast Physics in Climate Models and Cloud-Resolving Models: Parameterization, Evaluation, and Observation III
Oral Invited A34D-02. Development of a multi-scale data assimilation system for model-observation integration and climate model evaluation Zhijin Li; Yangang Liu; Wuyin Lin; Andrew M. Vogelmann; Sha Feng; Ann M. Fridlind 4:15 pm, 3006 (Moscone West)
Oral A34D-07. Multi-scale Modeling Framework model with a third-order turbulence closure: impacts on low clouds and aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions Minghuai Wang; Steven J. Ghan; Vincent E. Larson; Mikhail Ovchinnikov; Heng Xiao; Xiaohong Liu; David Schanen 5:30 pm, 3006 (Moscone West)
B31G. Data-Model Integration for Improving Biogeochemistry-Climate Feedbacks in Earth System Models With Explicit Microbial Mechanisms I
Oral Invited B31G-05. Let the microbes explicitly carry out the reactions: a new paradigm to the modeling of soil carbon-nutrient dynamics Jinyun Tang; William J. Riley; Nicholas Bouskill; Eoin Brodie 9:00 am, 2004 (Moscone West)
B32D. Novel Approaches for Considering Future Vegetation Distributions I
Oral B32D-05. A climate-analog, transport approach to estimating terrestrial carbon-climate responses Charles D. Koven 11:20 am, 2002 (Moscone West)
Oral B32D-06. Global Tree Range Shifts Under Forecasts from Two Alternative GCMs Using Two Future Scenarios William W. Hargrove; Jitendra Kumar; Kevin M. Potter; Forrest M. Hoffman 11:35 am, 2002 (Moscone West)
C33C. Integration of International Arctic Research Programs and Data Streams From Polar Observatories, User Facilities, Data Collection Networks, and Field Campaigns II
Oral C33C-07. Improved Climate Prediction through a System Level Understanding of Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems: Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments (NGEE-Arctic) Susan S. Hubbard; David E. Graham; Larry D. Hinzman; Liyuan Liang; Anna Liljedahl; Richard J. Norby; Alistair Rogers; Joel C. Rowland; Peter E. Thornton; Margaret S. Torn; William J. Riley; Cathy J. Wilson; Stan D. Wullschleger 3:10 pm, 3005 (Moscone West)
C34A. Improved Glacier Mass Balance Assessment and Projection: Methods and Modeling III
Oral Invited C34A-01. Melt trends above the equilibrium line of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the period of 2003-2012 Santiago de la Peña; Ian M. Howat; Michiel R. van den Broeke; Stephen F. Price; Peter W. Nienow; Ellen S. Mosley-Thompson 4:00 pm, 3005 (Moscone West)
GC32A. Improving the Understanding of Climate Variability and Change in Agriculture: AgMIP, Tropical Farm Adaptation, and Related Research I
Oral GC32A-04. Meeting the Radiative Forcing Targets of the Representative Concentration Pathways with Agricultural Climate Impacts Page Kyle; Christoph Müller; Katherine V. Calvin; Allison M. Thomson 11:05 am, 3001 (Moscone West)
GC33E. Uncertainty Quantification of Climate Change, Earth System, and Integrated Assessment Models II
Oral Invited GC33E-05. Uncertainties in projections from global climate models: statistical idiosyncrasies and future directions in their analysis Claudia Tebaldi; Reto Knutti 3:00 pm, 3001 (Moscone West)
GC34A. Magnitudes and Mechanisms of Ice Sheet Melt, Sea-Level Changes, and Coastal Inundation: Past and Future III
Oral Invited GC34A-05. Simulations of coupled, Antarctic ice-ocean evolution using POP2x and BISICLES Stephen F. Price; Xylar Asay-Davis; Daniel F. Martin; Mathew E. Maltrud; Matthew J. Hoffman 5:00 pm, 3003 (Moscone West)
GC34C. Uncertainty Qualification of Climate Change, Earth System, and Integrated Assessment Models III
Oral Invited GC34C-02. The Central Role of Uncertainty Quantification in Multiscale Earth System Models William Collins; Kenny Chowdhary; Bert Debusschere; Donald Lucas 4:20 pm, 3001 (Moscone West)
H32G. Best Practices in Model Verification and Uncertainty Analysis across Earth’s Dynamic Systems II
Oral Invited H32G-01 Development and application of a benchmarking system for land models David M. Lawrence; James T. Randerson; Mingquan Mu; Forrest M. Hoffman; William J. Riley; Charles D. Koven; Katherine E. Todd-Brown; Gretchen Keppel-Aleks 10:20 am, 3002 (Moscone West)
OS32A. Thirty Years of ENSO Research: Dynamics, Predictability, Modeling, Impacts I
Oral OS32A-08. The role of subtropical stratocumulus regions in driving Pacific climate variability Katinka Bellomo; Amy C. Clement; Thorsten Mauritsen; Gaby Rädel; Bjorn B. Stevens 12:05 pm, 3007 (Moscone West)
Poster Sessions
Poster A31A-0011. A Comparison of Cloud Albedo and Cloud Fraction Retrievals from Long-Term Surface Based Shortwave Radiation Measurements Yu Xie; Yangang Liu 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A31A-0012. Parameterization of 3D Radiative Transfer over Mountains and Investigation of its Impact on Surface Hydrology over the Western United States Using WRF Yu Gu; Kuo-Nan Liou; L. Ruby Leung; Wei-Liang Lee; Robert G. Fovell 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A31A-0015. Parameterization of 3D Radiative Transfer in Mountains for CLM/CESM Wei-Liang Lee; Kuo-Nan Liou; Yu Gu; L. Ruby Leung; Huang-Hsiung Hsu 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A31A-0017. Large Eddy Simulations of Continental Boundary Layer Clouds Observed During the RACORO Field Campaign Satoshi Endo; Ann M. Fridlind; Wuyin Lin; Andrew M. Vogelmann; Tami Toto; Yangang Liu 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A31A-0018. Investigation of the Causes for Climate Model Biases When Simulating Continental Shallow Cumulus Clouds Using a RACORO Case Study Wuyin Lin; Andrew M. Vogelmann; Ann M. Fridlind; Satoshi Endo; Hua Song; Tami Toto; Yangang Liu 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A31A-0019. Evaluation of Cloud Properties in Seven SCMs under Updraft and Downdraft Regimes Hua Song; Wuyin Lin; Yanluan Lin; Audrey Wolf; Leo Donner; Anthony D. Del Genio; Roel Neggers; Satoshi Endo; Yangang Liu 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A31A-0020. Impacts of Clouds on Surface Radiation Fluxes from Decade-Long Observations Over the Southern Great Plains in the United States Wei Wu; Yangang Liu; Michael P. Jensen; Tami Toto; Michael J. Foster; Charles N. Long; Alan K. Betts 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A31A-0024. A Large-Scale Study of CAPE-Based Mass-Flux Closures and Precipitation Nadir Jeevanjee; David M. Romps; Kohji Sugioka 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A31A-0032. Expanded Large-Scale Forcing Properties Derived from the Multiscale Data Assimilation System and Its Application to Single-Column Models Sha Feng; Zhijin Li; Yangang Liu; Wuyin Lin; Tami Toto; Andrew M. Vogelmann; Ann M. Fridlind 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A31A-0034. Examination of Scale-Awareness of Convective Transport for Parameterization Development in Mesoscale and Climate Models Yi-Chin Liu; Jiwen Fan; Guang J. Zhang; Kuan-Man Xu 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A31B-0049. Midlatitude Storm Potential in a Changing Climate Jacob Seeley; David M. Romps 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A31F-0146. An MJO Tracking Method Chidong Zhang; Marcela Ulate; Jian Ling 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A33B-0203. An Operator-Splitting Time Integration Scheme for Discontinuous Galerkin Non-Hydrostatic Model Lei Bao; Ram Nair; Robert Kloefkorn
1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A33B-0204. Analysis of Time Step Sensitivity in the Community Atmospheric Model Using Single-Column and Global Simulations Bereket L. Habtezion; Peter Caldwell 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A33B-0207. Improvements in Sub-Grid, Microphysics Averages Using Quadrature Based Approaches Kenny Chowdhary; Bert Debusschere; Vincent E. Larson 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A33B-0211 Block Preconditioners for Fully Implicit Atmospheric Climate Simulations in CAM-SE Aaron Lott; Carol S. Woodward; Katherine J. Evans 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A33B-0217. Organized Tropical Convection in a High-Order Finite-Volume GCM Dynamical Framework with Adaptive Mesh Refinement James J. Benedict; William Collins; Hans Johansen 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A33B-0219. Multi-Model GCM Ensemble Simulations of Idealized Tropical Cyclones Kevin A. Reed; Christiane Jablonowski; Paul A. Ullrich; James Kent; Peter H. Lauritzen; Mark Taylor; Ram Nair 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A33E-0273. Variable Resolution Modeling of California Snowpack within the Community Earth System Model (CESM) Alan Rhoades; Paul A. Ullrich; Colin Zarzycki; Michael Levy; Mark Taylor 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster B33G-0564. Mechanistic Representation of Soil C Dynamics: for Arctic Ecosystem Dipankar Dwivedi; William J. Riley; Gautam Bisht 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster B33K-0620. Thermodynamic and Geological Constraints to Climate-Driven Hydrate Dissociation Under Various Climate Change Scenarios Matthew T. Reagan; Scott Elliott; Philip J. Cameron-Smith; Mathew E. Maltrud; George J. Moridis 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster DI31A-2207. Development of a Process-Rich Modeling Framework for Arctic Ecohydrology Using the Open-Source PFLOTRAN and CLM models Richard T. Mills; Gautam Bisht; Glenn E. Hammond; Benjamin J. Andre; Jitendra Kumar; Satish Karra; Scott L. Painter; Peter C. Lichtner; Guoping Tang; Fengming Yuan; Xiaofeng Xu; Forrest M. Hoffman; William J. Riley; Peter E. Thornton 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster GC31B-1039. Uncertainty Quantification of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity in CCSM4 Curtis C. Covey; Donald D. Lucas; John Tannahill; Richard Klein 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster GC31B-1044. Quantifying Uncertainties in the Seasonal Cycle of Arctic Sea Ice Donald D. Lucas; Curtis C. Covey; Richard Klein; John Tannahill; Detelina P. Ivanova 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster GC31B-1056. Global Analysis of Parametric Sensitivity of Precipitation in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM5) Yun Qian; Huiping Yan; Chun Zhao; Zhangshuan Hou; Hailong Wang; Philip J. Rasch; Stephen A. Klein; Donald Lucas; John Tannahill 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster GC31B-1058. MCMC-Bayesian Calibration of the Community Land Model for the US-ARM site Zhangshuan Hou; Jaideep Ray; Maoyi Huang 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster GC31B-1065. Independent Confirmation of Global Land Warming Without the Use of Station Temperatures Gilbert Compo; Prashant Sardeshmukh; Jeffrey Whitaker; Philip Brohan; Philip Jones; Chesley McColl 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster H33B-1356. Design and Development of a Community Carbon Cycle Benchmarking System for CMIP5 Models Mingquan Mu; Forrest M. Hoffman; David M. Lawrence; William J. Riley; Gretchen Keppel-Aleks; James T. Randerson 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Co-Convener Sessions
Co-Convener Session A31A. Fast Physics in Climate Models and Cloud-Resolving Models: Parameterization, Evaluation, and Observation I Posters Convener(s): Leo Donner ( ), Yangang Liu (Brookhaven Natl Lab), Steven Krueger (Univ of Utah-Meteorology) and David Randall (Colorado State University) 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Co-Convener Session A31E. Novel Application of Observations to the Evaluation of Regional Climate Models I Posters Convener(s): Paul Loikith (Jet Propulsion Lab), Jinwon Kim ( ), Linda Mearns (NCAR) and Lai-Yung Leung (Pacific Northwest Natl Lab) 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Co-Convener Session A33E. Regional Climate Modeling I Posters Convener(s): Raymond Arritt (Iowa State Univ) and Lai-Yung Leung (Pacific Northwest Natl Lab) 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Co-Convener Session A33K. Fast Physics in Climate Models and Cloud-Resolving Models: Parameterization, Evaluation, and Observation II Convener(s): Leo Donner ( ), Yangang Liu (Brookhaven Natl Lab), Steven Krueger (Univ of Utah-Meteorology) and David Randall (Colorado State University) 1:40 pm, 3006 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session A34C. The Madden-Julian Oscillation: Its Initiation, Identification, and Structure III Convener(s): Charles Long (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) and Jean-Philippe Duvel (CNRS) 4:00 pm, 3012 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session B31C. Soil Change and Soil Organic Matter Dynamics in the Anthropocene IV Posters Convener(s): Kate Lajtha (Oregon State University), Dipankar Dwivedi (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Bhavna Arora (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab) and William Riley (Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab) 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Co-Convener Session B31G. Data-Model Integration for Improving Biogeochemistry-Climate Feedbacks in Earth System Models With Explicit Microbial Mechanisms I Convener(s): Xiaofeng Xu (Oak Ridge National Lab), Gangsheng Wang (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Yiqi Luo (Univ Oklahoma) and Melanie Mayes (ORNL) 8:00am, 2004 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session B32D. Novel Approaches for Considering Future Vegetation Distributions I Convener(s): Abigail Swann (University of Washington) and Charles Koven (LBL) 10:20, 2002 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session B33C. Data-Model Integration for Improving Biogeochemistry-Climate Feedbacks in Earth System Models With Explicit Microbial Mechanisms II Posters Convener(s): Melanie Mayes (ORNL), Gangsheng Wang (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Peter Thornton (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) and Xiaofeng Xu (Oak Ridge National Lab) 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Co-Convener Session B33H. Novel Approaches for Considering Future Vegetation Distributions II Posters Convener(s): Abigail Swann (University of Washington) and Charles Koven (LBL) 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Co-Convener Session GC31B. Uncertainty Quantification of Climate Change, Earth System, and Integrated Assessment Models I Posters Convener(s): Linda Mearns (NCAR), Donald Lucas (LLNL), Maoyi Huang (Pacific NW Nat'l Lab-Atmos Sci), Mark Boslough ( ), Elisabeth Lloyd (Indiana University Bloomington) and Jaideep Ray (Sandia National Laboratories) 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Co-Convener Session GC33E. Uncertainty Quantification of Climate Change, Earth System, and Integrated Assessment Models II Convener(s): Linda Mearns (NCAR), Mark Boslough ( ) and Elisabeth Lloyd (Indiana University Bloomington) 1:40 pm, 3001 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session GC34C. Uncertainty Quantification of Climate Change, Earth System, and Integrated Assessment Models III Convener(s): Donald Lucas (LLNL), Maoyi Huang (Pacific NW Nat'l Lab-Atmos Sci) and Jaideep Ray (Sandia National Laboratories) 4:00 pm, 3001 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session H31I. Best Practices in Model Verification and Uncertainty Analysis across Earth’s Dynamic Systems I (Virtual Option) Convener(s): Benjamin Phillips ( ), Ramesh Teegavarapu (Florida Atlantic University), Timothy Scheibe (Pacific NW National Lab) and Forrest Hoffman (University of California Irvine) 8:00 am, 3002 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session H32G. Best Practices in Model Verification and Uncertainty Analysis across Earth’s Dynamic Systems II (Virtual Option) Convener(s): Benjamin Phillips ( ), Timothy Scheibe (Pacific NW National Lab), Ramesh Teegavarapu (Florida Atlantic University) and Forrest Hoffman (University of California Irvine) 10:20 am, 3002 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session H33B. Best Practices in Model Verification and Uncertainty Analysis across Earth’s Dynamic Systems III Posters Convener(s): Benjamin Phillips ( ), Ramesh Teegavarapu (Florida Atlantic University), Timothy Scheibe (Pacific NW National Lab) and Grant Bromhal (National Energy Technology Laboratory) 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)

Thursday, December 12

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
Town Hall
Town Hall TH45A-01. DOE's Green Ocean Amazon Campaign Daniel Stover; Wanda Ferrell; Dorothy Koch 6:15 pm, 2002 (Moscone West)
A41L. Regional Climate Modeling II
Oral A41L-05. The development of North America CORDEX Linda O. Mearns; William J. Gutowski; Joseph J. Barsugli; Lawrence Buja; Gregg M. Garfin; Dennis P. Lettenmaier; Lai-Yung Leung 9:00 am, 3004 (Moscone West)
A43H. Cloud Properties: Observations and Their Uncertainties II
Oral Invited A43H-01. The US-DOE ARM/ASR Effort in Quantifying Uncertainty in Ground-Based Cloud Property Retrievals Shaocheng Xie; Alain Protat; Chuanfeng Zhao 1:40 pm, 3012 (Moscone West)
A43K. Satellite Measurements for Climate Model Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Improvements III
Oral A43K-01. Shortwave and Longwave Hyperspectral Satellite Instrument Simulations Based on High and Low Sensitivity CMIP5 Models and Applications to Existing and Planned Measurement Systems Daniel Feldman; William Collins; Xu Liu 1:40 pm, 3010 (Moscone West)
Oral Invited A43K-04. Remedying Some Shortcomings of Model Performance Metrics Karl E. Taylor; Peter J. Gleckler 2:25 pm, 3010 (Moscone West)
Oral A43K-07. Climate model validation using spectrally resolved shortwave radiation measurements Yolanda Roberts; Patrick C. Taylor; Constantine Lukashin; Daniel Feldman; Peter Pilewskie; William Collins 3:10 pm, 3010 (Moscone West)
A44B. Cloud Properties: Observations and Their Uncertainties III
Oral A44B-03. What is a Cloud? Charles N. Long; Wei Wu 4:30 pm, 3012 (Moscone West)
GC41D. Future Land Use Change and Climate I
Oral GC41D-05. Protecting Future Biodiversity via Re-allocation of Future Land-use Change Patterns Louise P. Chini; George C. Hurtt; Sam Jantz; Thomas Brooks; Clarke Leon; Stephanie Waldhoff; James Edmonds 9:00 am, 3001 (Moscone West)
GC42A. Future Land Use Change and Climate II
Oral GC42A-07. Pattern scaling of land-use change climate response relationships Andrew D. Jones; William Collins; Margaret S. Torn 11:50 am, 3001 (Moscone West)
GC42B. How Reliable and Accurate are CMIP5 Climate Simulations? I
Oral GC42B-01. The role of clouds in driving North Atlantic multi-decadal climate variability in observations and models Amy C. Clement; Katinka Bellomo; Lisa Murphy 10:20 am, 3003 (Moscone West)
GC43F. Taking the Temperature of the Earth: Challenges and Applications Across All Earth Surface Domains II
Oral Invited GC43F-04. Surface Air Temperature - Long-term Anomaly Series and Absolute Values Philip Jones 2:25 pm, 3001 (Moscone West)
GC44B. Closing the Loop: Integrating Socio-Economic and Climate Scenarios in the Assessment of Global Change Impacts II
Oral GC44B-05. Update on the Formulation of CMIP6 Gerald A. Meehl 5:00 pm, 3001 (Moscone West)
GC44C. Regional Climate Impact Studies from CMIP5 Ensemble Model Results II
Oral GC44C-06. Seasonal extreme temperature and precipitation change under RCPs in CMIP5 models Yang Gao; L. Ruby Leung; Joshua S. Fu; John Drake; Donald J. Wuebbles; J F Lamarque 5:30 pm, 3003 (Moscone West)
H41M. Global Precipitation Measurement, Validation, and Applications I
Oral H41M-03. Calwater-2 An experiment exploring the roles of atmospheric rivers and aerosols in modulating U.S. west coast precipitation in a changing climate F M. Ralph; Kimberly A. Prather; Daniel R. Cayan; Michael D. Dettinger; Chris W. Fairall; L. Ruby Leung; Daniel Rosenfeld; Steven A. Rutledge; J. Ryan Spackman; Duane E. Waliser 8:30 am, 3014 (Moscone West)
H41O. Multi-scale Interactions and Structures in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Systems: Monitoring, Modeling and Data Assimilation I
Oral H41O-05. A Moisture-limited ET Upper Bound and Its Application in an Evaporation Pan Based Complementary-relationship Model for ET Estimation Huade Guan; Peter G. Cook; Craig T. Simmons; Philip Brunner; Hugo A. Gutierrez-Jurado; Hailong Wang 9:00 am, 3020 (Moscone West)
PP42B. Paleoclimatic History of the Pacific Sector of the Arctic II
Oral Invited PP42B-01. Effect of the Bering Strait on the AMOC hysteresis and glacial climate stability Aixue Hu; Gerald A. Meehl; Weiqing Han; Axel Timmermann; Bette L. Otto-Bliesner; Zhengyu Liu; Ayako Abe-Ouchi 10:20 am, 2005 (Moscone West)
U44A. Remote Sensing of Earth System Variability and Change (Virtual Option)
Oral Invited U44A-01. Human and Natural Influences on the Changing Thermal Structure of the Atmosphere Benjamin D. Santer; Jeffrey Painter; Celine Bonfils; Carl A. Mears; Susan Solomon; Tom M. Wigley; Peter J. Gleckler; Gavin A. Schmidt; Charles Doutriaux; Nathan P. Gillett; Karl E. Taylor; Peter Thorne; Frank J. Wentz 4:00 pm, 102 (Moscone South)
Poster Sessions
Poster A41A-0026. Impact of small-scale Radiation Variability on the Marine Stratocumulus to Trade Cumulus Transition Heng Xiao; William I. Gustafson; Hailong Wang 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A41C-0049. A General Approach to Quantify Cloud Retrieval Uncertainties Chuanfeng Zhao; Shaocheng Xie; Maureen Dunn; Michael P. Jensen 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A41D-0091. Quantifying the Role of Clouds in Aerosol Radiative Forcing in CMIP5 Mark D. Zelinka; Timothy Andrews; Piers Forster; Karl E. Taylor 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A41F-0125. Establishing Global Source-Receptor Relationships for Carbonaceous Aerosol to Characterize Sensitivity of its Climate Forcing to Emission Uncertainties Hailong Wang; Philip J. Rasch; Richard C. Easter; Balwinder Singh; Yun Qian; Po-Lun Ma; Rudong Zhang 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A41G-0130. Uncertainty in Modeling Dust Mass Balance and Radiative Forcing from Size Parameterization Chun Zhao; Siyu Chen; Lai-Yung Leung; Yun Qian; Jasper F. Kok; Rahul A. Zaveri; Jianping Huang 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A41G-0150. Regional Modeling of Dust Climatic Impact Over East Asia Using WRF-Chem Siyu Chen; Chun Zhao; Yun Qian; L. Ruby Leung; Jianping Huang 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A41H-0179. The Effect of Future Outdoor Air Pollution on Human Health and the Contribution of Climate Change Raquel Silva; James J. West; J F Lamarque; Drew Shindell; William Collins; Stig B. Dalsoren; Gregory S. Faluvegi; Gerd Folberth; Larry W. Horowitz; Tatsuya Nagashima; Vaishali Naik; Steven Rumbold; Ragnhild Skeie; Kengo Sudo; Toshihiko Takemura; Daniel J. Bergmann; Philip J. Cameron-Smith; Irene Cionni; Ruth M. Doherty; Veronika Eyring; Beatrice Josse; I. A. MacKenzie; David Plummer; Mattia Righi; David S. Stevenson; Sarah A. Strode; Sophie Szopa; Guang Zeng 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A43A-0218. Observed Momentum Flux in High Winds and Implication for Parameterization Development Xueyan Bi; Zhiqiu Gao; Yangang Liu; Feng Liu; Qingtao Song; ZhongKuo Zhao; Jian Huang; Weikang Mao; Huijun Huang 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster A43B-0248. Examining the Vertical Structure of Clouds and Precipitation for Different Cloud Types in CAM5 Using Satellite Data Yuying Zhang; Stephen A. Klein; Hsi-Yen Ma; James S. Boyle; Peter Caldwell 1:40 pm, 3012 (Moscone West)
Poster A53J-07. Aerosol Impacts on California Winter Clouds and Precipitation during CalWater 2011: Local Pollution versus Long-Range Transported Dust Jiwen Fan; Lai-Yung Leung; Paul J. DeMott; Jennifer M. Comstock; Balwinder Singh; Daniel Rosenfeld; Jason M. Tomlinson; Allen B. White; Kimberly A. Prather; Patrick Minnis 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster B43C-0490. Integrating Statistical and Expert Knowledge to Develop Phenoregions for the Continental United States Forrest M. Hoffman; Jitendra Kumar; William W. Hargrove 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster GC41B-1002. Agricultural Climate Impacts Sssessment for Economic Modeling and Decision Support Allison M. Thomson; Roberto C. Izaurralde; Robert Beach; Xuesong Zhang; Kaiguang Zhao; Erwan Monier 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster GC41B-1004. Implications of Constant Land Unit Boundaries for Land Use Projection in a Changing Climate Alan V. Di Vittorio 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster GC43A-1046. One Carbon Cycle: Impacts of Model Integration, Ecosystem Process Detail, Model Resolution, and Initialization Data, on Projections of Future Climate Mitigation Strategies Justin Fisk; George C. Hurtt; Yannick Le Page; Pralit L. Patel; Louise P. Chini; Ritvik Sahajpal; Ralph Dubayah; Allison M. Thomson; James Edmonds; Anthony C. Janetos 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster GC43D-1072. Evaluating CMIP5 Simulations of Historical Continental Climate with Koeppen Bioclimatic Metrics Thomas J. Phillips; Celine Bonfils 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster H41J-1364. Event Detection and Spatial Analysis for Characterizing Extreme Precipitation Soyoung Jeon; Mr. Prabhat; Surendra Byna; William Collins; Michael F. Wehner 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster IN43A-1637. My Path to Becoming a Data Scientist Gary Strand 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster NG41A-1659. Fractal Behavior Drives Resolution Dependent Vertical Velocity Fields Travis A. O'Brien; William Collins; Sara Rauscher; Todd Ringler 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Co-Convener Sessions
Co-Convener Session A41A. Boundary Layer Clouds and the MAGIC Campaign Posters Convener(s): Ernie Lewis (Brookhaven National Lab) and Joao Teixeira (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Co-Convener Session A41L. Regional Climate Modeling II Convener(s): Raymond Arritt (Iowa State Univ) and Lai-Yung Leung (Pacific Northwest Natl Lab) 8:00 am, 3004 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session A42D. Regional Climate Modeling III Convener(s): Raymond Arritt (Iowa State Univ) and Lai-Yung Leung (Pacific Northwest Natl Lab) 8:00 am, 3004 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session A43B. Cloud, Convection, Radiation, Water and Energy Cycles I Posters Convener(s): Jui-Lin Li (JPL), Tristan L'Ecuyer (University of Wisconsin Madison), Kuan-Man Xu (NASA Langley Research Center) and Shaocheng Xie (Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab) 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Co-Convener Session A43J. Regional Climate Modeling IV Convener(s): Raymond Arritt (Iowa State Univ) and Lai-Yung Leung (Pacific Northwest Natl Lab) 1:40 pm, 3004 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session GC41D. Future Land Use Change and Climate I Taraka Davies-Barnardty; Johannes Feddema; Allison Thomson; Chris Jones 8:00 am, 3001 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session GC42A. Future Land Use Change and Climate II Taraka Davies-Barnardty; Johannes Feddema; Allison Thomson; Chris Jones 10:20 am, 3001 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session GC43A. Future Land Use Change and Climate III Posters Taraka Davies-Barnard; Johannes Feddema; Allison Thomson; Chris Jones 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)

Friday, December 13

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
A54E. Constraining Aerosol Indirect Forcing in Climate Models With Observations II (Virtual Option: On-Demand Only)
Oral Invited A54E-02. Constraining Global Model Estimates of Aerosol Effects on Clouds Steven J. Ghan; David Neubauer; Ulrike Lohmann; Sylvaine Ferrachat; Toshihiko Takemura; Daniel Partridge; Philip Stier; Nicolas Bellouin 4:15 pm, 2022 (Moscone West)
Oral A54E-08. On the resolution dependence of aerosol-cloud interactions in model simulations Philip J. Rasch; Po-Lun Ma 5:45 pm, 2022 (Moscone West)
A53J. Mineral Dust Aerosols: From Small-Scale Insights to Large-Scale Understanding IV
Oral A53J-05. Dependence of Radiative Forcing on Mineralogy in the Community Atmosphere Model Rachel Scanza; Natalie M. Mahowald; Steven J. Ghan; Xiaohong Liu; Jasper F. Kok; Charles S. Zender; Yan Zhang 2:45 pm, 3012 (Moscone West)
B51L. New Mechanisms, Feedbacks, and Approaches for Improving Predictions of the Global Carbon Cycle in Earth System Models I
Oral B51L-02. Theoretical analysis of the global land carbon cycle: what determines the trajectory of future carbon uptake? Yingping Wang; Matthew J. Smith; Yiqi Luo; Maria Leite; Folashade Agusto; Benito Chen; Forrest M. Hoffman; Belinda E. Medlyn; Martin Rasmussen 8:15 am, 2006 (Moscone West)
Oral B51L-07. Impacts of continual and periodic disturbances on a Central Amazonian forest: lessons from a gap model for future model improvements Jennifer A Holm; Jeffrey Q. Chambers; William Collins 9:30 am, 2006 (Moscone West)
B52C. New Mechanisms, Feedbacks, and Approaches for Improving Predictions of the Global Carbon Cycle in Earth System Models II
Oral Invited B52C-06. Using observational and experimental data of ecosystem response to N addition to improve predictions of coupled carbon and nitrogen cycling in Earth System models R. Quinn Thomas; Charles D. Koven; Gordon B. Bonan 11:35 am, 2006 (Moscone West)
GC53D. Challenges in Attribution and Assessment of Climate Impacts II
Oral Invited GC53D-04. First results from the C20C Detection and Attribution Project Dáithí A. Stone; Oliver Angélil; Nikolaos Christidis; Christopher J. Lennard; Hideo Shiogama; Peter Stott; Mark Tadross; Michael F. Wehner; Piotr Wolski 2:19 pm, 3003 (Moscone West)
H52G. Water Resources Management and Policy in a Changing World V: Dealing with Flow and Climate Variability
Oral H52G-03. One-way coupling of an integrated assessment model and a water resources model: evaluation and implications of future changes over the U.S. Midwest Mohamad I. Hejazi; Nathalie Voisin; Lu Liu; Teklu K. Tesfa; Hong-Yi Li; Maoyi Huang; Ying Liu; L. Ruby Leung 10:55 am, 3016 (Moscone West)
IN52A. Big Data in the Geosciences: New Analytics Methods and Parallel Algorithms I
Oral IN52A-02. Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Climate Data Analysis Kara J. Peterson; Pavel Bochev 10:35 am, 2010 (Moscone West)
Oral Invited IN52A-03. Analyzing High Resolution Geoscience Data using Parallelism and Compression Jeff Daily; Jian Yin 10:50 am, 2010 (Moscone West)
Oral Invited IN52A-05. Empirical Mining of Large Data Sets Already Helps to Solve Practical Ecological Problems; A Panoply of Working Examples William W. Hargrove; Forrest M. Hoffman; Jitendra Kumar; Joseph Spruce; Steven P. Norman 11:20 am, 2010 (Moscone West)
Poster Sessions
Poster B51C-0287. Detection and Attribution of Vegetation Growth Change in China During the Last Thirty Years Jianguang Tan; Xuhui Wang; Jiafu Mao; Xiaoying Shi; Shushi Peng; Zhenzhong Zeng; Shilong Piao 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster B53C-0466. Synthesis of Remote Sensing LAI for Benchmark of Global Land Surface Models Jiafu Mao; Binyan Yan; Xiaoying Shi; Peter E. Thornton 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster C53B-0565. The Roles of Channelization and Parameter Sensitivity on Feedbacks Between Subglacial Hydrology and Glacier Dynamics Matthew J. Hoffman; Stephen F. Price 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster C53B-0582. Simulating Land Ice Evolution within the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) Climate Modeling Framework Stephen F. Price; Matthew J. Hoffman; Max Gunzburger; Lili Ju; Irina Kalashnikova; Wei Leng; Mauro Perego; Todd Ringler; Andrew Salinger; Georg Stadler 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster C53B-0583. Fully Resolved Whole-Continent Antarctica Simulations Using the BISICLES AMR Ice Sheet Model Daniel F. Martin; Stephen L. Cornford; Stephen F. Price; Xylar Asay-Davis; Peter Schwartz; Esmond Ng; Antony J. Payne 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster H51E-1244. Impacts of Irrigated Agriculture on Surface and Groundwater Resources Simulated by the Community Land Model Maoyi Huang; Guoyong Leng; Qiuhong Tang; Huilin Gao; Lai-Yung Leung 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster IN51B-1541. Ultrascale Climate Data Visualization and Analysis Using UVCDAT and DV3D Thomas P. Maxwell; Dean N. Williams; Gerald L. Potter 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster IN53B-1564. Ophidia: High Performance Data Analytics for Climate Change Sandro Fiore; Dean N. Williams; Ian Foster; Giovanni Aloisio 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Poster IN53B-1568. TECA: Extreme Climate Analytics on Petascale Platforms Prabhat; Surendra Byna; Venkat Vishwanath; Wes Bethel; William Collins; Michael F. Wehner 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Co-Convener Sessions
Co-Convener Session A53I. Cloud, Convection, Radiation, Water and Energy Cycles II Convener(s): Kuan-Man Xu (NASA Langley Research Center) and Shaocheng Xie (Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab) 1:40 pm, 3010 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session A53N. Novel Application of Observations to the Evaluation of Regional Climate Models II Convener(s): Paul Loikith (Jet Propulsion Lab), Jinwon Kim ( ), Linda Mearns (NCAR) and Lai-Yung Leung (Pacific Northwest Natl Lab) 1:40 pm, 3014 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session B51G. Phenology as Both Forcing and Response: Integrating Measurements and Models Across Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems I Posters Convener(s): William Hargrove (USDA Forest Service), Geoffrey Henebry (South Dakota State University), Forrest Hoffman (University of California Irvine) and Steven Norman (USDA Forest Service) 8:00 am, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Co-Convener Session B51L. New Mechanisms, Feedbacks, and Approaches for Improving Predictions of the Global Carbon Cycle in Earth System Models I Convener(s): Forrest Hoffman (University of California Irvine), Atul Jain (University of Illinois at Urbana) and James Randerson (Univ California Irvine) 8:00 am, 2006 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session B52C. New Mechanisms, Feedbacks, and Approaches for Improving Predictions of the Global Carbon Cycle in Earth System Models II Convener(s): Forrest Hoffman (University of California Irvine), Atul Jain (University of Illinois at Urbana) and James Randerson (Univ California Irvine) 10:20 am, 2006 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session B53C. New Mechanisms, Feedbacks, and Approaches for Improving Predictions of the Global Carbon Cycle in Earth System Models III Posters Convener(s): Forrest Hoffman (University of California Irvine), Atul Jain (University of Illinois at Urbana) and James Randerson (Univ California Irvine) 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)
Co-Convener Session B53F. Phenology as Both Forcing and Response: Integrating Measurements and Models Across Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems II Convener(s): William Hargrove (USDA Forest Service), Geoffrey Henebry (South Dakota State University), Forrest Hoffman (University of California Irvine) and Steven Norman (USDA Forest Service) 1:40 pm, 2000 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session IN52A. Big Data in the Geosciences: New Analytics Methods and Parallel Algorithms I Convener(s): Jitendra Kumar (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Robert Jacob (Argonne National Laboratory), Don Middleton (National Center for Atmospheric Research) and Forrest Hoffman 10:20 am, 2010 (Moscone West)
Co-Convener Session IN53B. Big Data in the Geosciences: New Analytics Methods and Parallel Algorithms II Posters Convener(s): Jitendra Kumar (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Robert Jacob (Argonne National Laboratory), Don Middleton (National Center for Atmospheric Research) and Forrest Hoffman (University of California Irvine) 1:40 pm, Hall A-C (Moscone South)