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AGU Fall Meeting 2015

Event Date
Monday, December 14, 2015 at 5:00pm - Friday, December 18, 2015 at 5:00pm
Funding Program Area(s)

AGU will hold its 48th annual Fall Meeting December 14-18, 2015, in San Francisco, California. The AGU Fall Meeting is the largest worldwide conference in the geophysical sciences, attracting nearly 24,000 Earth and space scientists, educators, students, and policy makers. This meeting showcases current scientific theory focused on discoveries that will benefit humanity and ensure a sustainable future for our planet.

Town Halls
This year, the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Biological and Environmental Research and its projects will host a several of town hall meetings including:

For more information regarding submission guidelines or the AGU membership requirements, visit the meeting website. The following sessions will be convened by climate modeling researchers at the Fall Meeting.

Monday, December 14

A11N. US CLIVAR Session on Improved Representation of Physical Processes in Global Models Posters
Monday, December 14 Poster A11N-0270. Effects of Cloud Superparameterization at the Land-Atmosphere Interface Michael S Pritchard ; Jian Sun ; Gabe Kooperman 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
B11C. Constraining Ecosystem Carbon Uptake and Long-Term Storage with Integrated Modeling, Experiment, and Observation I Posters
Monday, December 14 Poster B11C-0442. Comparing Different Model Structures for Carbon Allocation in the Community Land Model (CLM) Francesc Montane ; David Moore 8:00am - 11:59am; Moscone South - Poster Hall
GC11F. Dynamics, Drivers, and Impacts of Vegetation Change in Boreal and Arctic Ecosystems I Posters
Monday, December 14 Poster GC11F-1082. How Will Shrub Expansion Impact Soil Carbon Sequestration in Arctic Tundra? Claudia Czinczik ; Sandra Holden ; Yujie He ; James T. Randerson 8:00am; Moscone South - Poster Hall
H11H. Progress in Large-Scale Modeling and Remote Sensing of the Water Cycle in a Changing World I Posters
Monday, December 14 Poster H11H-1438. The Use and Re-Use of Unsustainably Mined Groundwater: A global budget Danielle S Grogan ; Alexander A Proussevitch ; Dominik Wisser ; Richard Lammers ; Steve Frolking 8:00am; Moscone South - Poster Hall
IN11C. Python Solutions for the Earth Sciences Posters
Monday, December 14 Poster IN11C-1791. The CESM Workflow Re-Engineering Project Warren G Strand 8:00am
GC11J. Improving the Simulation of Climate Impacts on Agriculture: AgMIP and Related Research I
Monday, December 14 Oral GC11J-03. Agricultural Intensification as a Mechanism of Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts Page Kyle ; Katherine V Calvin ; Yannick Le Page ; Pralit Patel ; Tristram O West ; Marshall Wise 8:30am; Moscone West - 3005
GC12B. Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (2016): A Special Scientific Assessment of Current Status and Opportunities I
Monday, December 14 Oral GC12B-06. The loss of late successional species has a disproportionate impact on terrestrial carbon storage in North America David Moore ; Jason S McLachlan ; Adrian V Rocha ; Jody Peters ; Andria Dawson ; Ann Raiho ; Bethany Blakely ; Kelly Heilman ; Christopher J Paciorek ; Quentin Read ; Xiaoping Feng ; Charles V Cogbill ; Simon J Goring 11:00am; Moscone West - 3014
Monday, December 14 Oral GC12B-08. The Alaska Land Carbon Assessment: Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Storage and Greenhouse-gas Fluxes in Ecosystems of Alaska Anthony McGuire ; Helene Genet ; Yujie He ; Sarah Stackpoole ; David D'Amore ; Scott Rupp ; Bruce Wylie ; Xiaoping Zhou ; Zhiliang Zhu 11:20am - 11:30am; Moscone West - 3014
A12B. Atmospheric Circulations and Their Role in the Hydrological Cycle: Monsoons, Storm Tracks, and the ITCZ II
Monday, December 14 Oral A12B-06. Indirect Effects of Climate Change on Heat Waves in the Great Plains Grant Branstator ; Haiyan Teng 11:35am - 11:50am; Moscone West, 3006
Monday, December 14 Oral A12B-07. Local Finite-Amplitude Wave Activity as an Objective Diagnostic of Midlatitude Extreme Weather Gang Chen ; Jian Lu ; David Burrows ; L. Ruby Leung 11:50am; Moscone West - 3006
A13A. Atmospheric Circulations and Their Role in the Hydrological Cycle: Monsoons, Storm Tracks, and the ITCZ III Posters
Monday, December 14 Poster A13A-0281. Atmospheric Rivers in the Mid-Latitudes: A modeling study for current and future climates Christine Shields ; Jeffrey Theodore Kiehl 1:40pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Monday, December 14 Poster A13A-0291. The Dynamical Signature on the Change of Hydrological Extremes Under Global Warming Jian Lu ; Yang Gao ; L. Ruby Leung ; Gang Chen ; Qing Yang 1:40pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
B13H. Macrosystems Ecology: Thresholds in Ecological Processes and Response across Temporal and Spatial Scales III
Monday, December 14 Oral B13H-01. Soil Nutrient Competition in Earth System Models: An important but underappreciated driver of plant responses to nutrient fertilization Qing Zhu ; William Riley ; Jinyun Tang ; Charles Koven 1:40pm; Moscone West - 2004
Monday, December 14 Oral B13H-08. The Global Turnover Time Distribution of Soil Carbon Derived from a Meta-analysis of Radiocarbon Profiles Yujie He ; James Tremper Randerson ; Steven D Allison ; Margaret S Torn ; Jennifer W Harden ; Lydia Smith Vaughn ; Tessa Sophia van der Voort ; Susan Trumbore 4:25pm; Moscone West - 2004
H13I. Hydroclimatic Extremes: Drought III Posters
Monday, December 14 Poster H13I-1691. Quantifying the Effect of Parameter Uncertainties on the Simulation of Drought in the Community Atmosphere Model Gemma Anderson ; Celine Bonfils ; Donald Lucas ; Benjamin Santer 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
H13R. Progress in Large-Scale Modeling and Remote Sensing of the Water Cycle in a Changing World II
Monday, December 14 Oral H13R-03. Advances in Simulating Large-Scale Water Cycle Processes in the Community Land Model Version 5.0 David Lawrence ; Sean C Swenson ; Martyn P Clark ; Hong-Yi Li ; Michael Brunke ; Justin Perket 2:10pm; Moscone West - 3011
C13A. Dust, Black Carbon, and Other Aerosols in the Cryosphere I Posters
Monday, December 14 Poster C13A-0799. Quantifying Sources, Transport, Deposition, and Radiative Forcing of Black Carbon in the Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitudes Rudong Zhang ; Hailong Wang ; Dean Hegg ; Sarah Doherty ; Richard Easter ; Qiang Fu 3:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
NG13B. Advances in Numerical Methods for Geophysical Modeling I
Monday, December 14 Oral, Invited NG13B-08. A Spectral Representations of the Atmospheric Column in Global Climate Models David Matthew Hall 3:25pm; Moscone South - 300
A14E. Understanding and Attributing Extreme Weather Events and Their Impacts across Actors and Spatial Scales I
Monday, December 14 Oral A14E-01. The Relevance of Detection and Attribution for Loss and Damage Policy Dáithí Stone ; Christian Huggel ; Maximillian Auffhammer ; Wolfgang Cramer ; Hajo Eicken ; Gerrit Hansen ; Ivo Wallimann 4:00pm; Moscone West - 3002
GC14C. Global Eyes on the New Arctic: Exploring the Trajectory Toward a New State and Responding to Rapid Change I
Monday, December 14 Oral, Invited GC14C-08. Impacts of Ocean Albedo Alteration on Arctic Sea Ice Restoration and Northern Hemisphere Climate Ivana Cvijanovic ; Douglas MacMartin ; Ken Caldeira 5:45pm; Moscone West - 3005

Tuesday, December 15

B23J. New Mechanisms, Feedbacks, and Approaches for Improving Predictions of the Global Carbon Cycle in Earth System Models II
Tuesday, December 15 Oral B23J-02. Implementation Ambiguity: The fifth element long lost in uncertainty budgets for land biogeochemical modeling Jinyun Tang ; William Riley 7:55am; Moscone West - 2010
Tuesday, December 15 Oral, Invited B23J-01. Diagnosing Drought in a Changing Climate Abigail Swann ; Forrest M Hoffman ; Charles Koven ; James Tremper Randerson 1:40pm - 1:55pm; Moscone West - 2010
Tuesday, December 15 Oral, Invited B23J-03. Terrestrial Carbon Storage Dynamics: Chasing a moving target Yiqi Luo ; Zheng Shi ; Lifen Jiang ; Jianyang Xia ; Ying Wang ; Manoj Kc ; Junyi Liang ; Xingjie Lu ; Shuli Niu ; Anders Ahlström ; Oleksandra Hararuk ; Alan Hastings ; Forrest M Hoffman ; Belinda Medlyn ; Martin Rasmussen ; Matthew J Smith ; Kathe E Todd-Brown ; Yingping Wang 2:10pm - 2:25pm; Moscone West - 2010
Tuesday, December 15 Oral B23J-04. Interactions Between Soil Organic Carbon Concentration and Soil Thermal and Hydraulic Dynamics and Its Impact on Soil Carbon Storage in Northern High-latitudes Shijie Shu ; Umakant Mishra ; Forrest M Hoffman ; Charles Koven ; Atul K Jain 2:25pm; Moscone West - 2010
A21E. Toward Reducing Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models: Evaluation, Understanding, and Improvement I Posters
Tuesday, December 15 Poster A21E-0174. Evaluating CMIP5 Models' Representation of Oceanic Drivers of North African Climate Michael Notaro ; Fuyao Wang ; Yan Yu ; Jiafu Mao ; Xiaoying Shi ; Yaxing Wei 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Tuesday, December 15 Poster A21E-0176. ARM Data-Oriented Diagnostics to Evaluate the Climate Model Simulation of Clouds, Precipitation, and Radiation Chengzhu Zhang 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Tuesday, December 15 Poster A21E-0186. Clouds and Precipitation Simulated by the US DOE Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME) Shaocheng Xie ; Wuyin Lin ; Jin-Ho Yoon ; Po-Lun Ma ; Philip Rasch ; Steven John Ghan ; Kai Zhang ; Yuying Zhang ; Chengzhu Zhang ; Peter Bogenschutz ; Andrew Gettelman ; Vincent Larson ; Richard Neale ; Sungsu Park ; Guang Zhang 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
B21E. New Mechanisms, Feedbacks, and Approaches for Improving Predictions of the Global Carbon Cycle in Earth System Models I Posters
Tuesday, December 15 Poster B21E-0512. Functioning of the Ocean Biological Pump in the Oxygen Minimum Zones Jefferson Keith Moore 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Tuesday, December 15 Poster B21E-0513. Design and Application of a Community Land Benchmarking System for Earth System Models Mingquan Mu ; Forrest M Hoffman ; David M Lawrence ; William Riley ; Gretchen Keppel-Aleks ; Charles Koven ; Erik Kluzek ; Jiafu Mao ; James Tremper Randerson 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Tuesday, December 15 Poster B21E-0514. Tropical Precipitation-Carbon Cycle Links in CMIP5 Earth System Models Samantha Basile ; Gretchen Keppel-Aleks 8:00am; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Tuesday, December 15 Poster B21E-0515. Observed Allocations of Productivity and Biomass, and Turnover Times in Tropical Forests are not Accurately Represented in CMIP5 Earth System Models Robinson I Negron Juarez ; Charles Koven ; Wiliam J Riley ; Ryan Knox ; Jeffrey Q Chambers 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Tuesday, December 15 Poster B21E-0516. Evaluation of Two Decomposition Schemes in Earth System Models Against LIDET, C14 Observations and Global Soil Carbon Maps Xiaojuan Yang ; Daniel Ricciuto ; Peter Thornton 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Tuesday, December 15 Poster B21E-0517. Implementation of a Canopy Air Space Scheme into the Community Land Model Min Xu ; Forrest M Hoffman 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Tuesday, December 15 Poster B21E-0518. Evaluation of Vegetation Biomass in CMIP5 Models over the Northern High-Latitudes Cheng-En Yang ; Jiafu Mao ; Forrest M Hoffman ; Daniel Ricciuto ; Joshua S Fu 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
B21I. Leveraging atmospheric CO2 observations to constrain the climate sensitivity of terrestrial ecosystems (Invited)
Tuesday, December 15 Oral, Invited B21I-01. Leveraging Atmospheric CO2 Observations to Constrain the Climate Sensitivity of Terrestrial Ecosystems Gretchen Keppel-Aleks 8:00am; Moscone West 2004
H21O. Hydroclimatic Extremes: Drought IV
Tuesday, December 15 Oral H21O-02. Competitive Influences on Droughts: Present and Future Celine Jeanne Bonfils ; Gemma Anderson ; Benjamin Santer ; Thomas Phillips ; Ivana Cvijanovic ; Benjamin Cook 8:15am - 8:30am; Moscone West - 3011
B43H. Photosynthesis and Respiration at Leaf, Ecosystem, Regional, or Global Scales: Constraints, Measurements, and Modeling I
Tuesday, December 15 Oral B43H-0647. Satellite Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Reveals Drought Onset Mechanisms: Insights from Two Contrasting Extreme Events Ying Sun ; Rong Fu ; Robert E Dickinson ; Joanna Joiner ; Christian Frankenberg ; Lianhong Gu ; Youlong Xia ; Nelun Fernando 9:00am; Moscone West - 2006
C21D. Dust, Black Carbon, and Other Aerosols in the Cryosphere II
Tuesday, December 15 Oral, Invited C21D-06. A Review of Measurement and Modeling of Light-Absorbing Particles in Snow and Ice and their Climatic and Hydrological Impact Yun Qian ; Hailong Wang ; Sarah Doherty ; William Lau ; Steve Warren ; Teppei Yasunari ; Mark Flanner ; Jing Ming ; Rudong Zhang 9:15am; Moscone West - 3002
GC22A. Advances in Atmosphere and Land Modeling for Improved Understanding of the Hydrologic Cycle at the Watershed Scale I
Tuesday, December 15 Oral, Invited GC22A-05. Representing Effects of Complex Terrain on Mountain Meteorology and Hydrology Steven John Ghan ; L. Ruby Leung ; Teklu Tesfa ; Steve Goldhaber 11:20am - 11:35am; Moscone West 3020
A22E. Madden-Julian Oscillation II
Tuesday, December 15 Oral A22E-07. The Impact of Diurnal Cycle Over the Maritime Continent on the Madden-Julian Oscillation Samson M Hagos ; Chidong Zhang ; James J Benedict ; Charlotte DeMott ; Zhe Feng 11:50am - 12:05pm; Moscone West - 3008
A23E. Regional Climate Modeling I Posters
Tuesday, December 15 Poster A23E-0360. Model For Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) Applied to Regional Climate of the Northwestern U.S. Naomi L Goldenson ; L. Ruby Leung ; Chun Zhao ; Cecilia M Bitz 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
A23K. Improved Understanding of the Surface Energy Balance and the Spatiotemporal Variation of Its Components I
Tuesday, December 15 Oral, Invited A23K-01. Relationships Among Top-of-atmosphere Radiation and Atmospheric State Variables in Observations and CESM Kevin Trenberth 1:40pm - 1:55pm; Moscone West - 3004
B23G. The Global Carbon Cycle: Recent History, Future Projections, and Policy Relevance II Posters
Tuesday, December 15 Poster B23G-0662. Nonlinear Interactions between Climate and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Drivers of Terrestrial and Marine Carbon Cycle Changes from 1850 to 2300 Forrest M. Hoffman ; James T. Randerson ; Jefferson Keith Moore ; Michael Goulden ; Keith Lindsay ; Ernesto Munoz ; Weiwei Fu ; Abigail Swann ; Charles Koven ; Natalie Mahowald ; Gordon B. Bonan 1:40pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Tuesday, December 15 Poster B23G-0669. Drivers of the Increasing Mean Annual CO2 Cycle in the CESM Jessica Liptak ; Gretchen Keppel-Aleks 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
GC23A. Advances in Atmosphere and Land Modeling for Improved Understanding of the Hydrologic Cycle at the Watershed Scale II Posters
Tuesday, December 15 Poster GC23A-1122. Vegetation Regulates Streamflow Intra-Annual Variability by Adapting to Climate Variations Sheng Ye ; Hong-Yi Li ; Shuai Li ; L. Ruby Leung ; Yonas Demissie ; Qihua Ran ; Guenter Bloeschl 1:40pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Tuesday, December 15 Poster GC23A-1129. Deriving New Topography-based Global Datasets for Land Surface Modeling Teklu Tesfa ; L. Ruby Leung 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South
GC23C. Detecting and Attributing Impacts of Climate Change II Posters
Tuesday, December 15 Poster GC23C-1163. Detection and Attribution of Extra-Tropical Cyclone Activity in CMIP-5 Scott W French ; Mr Prabhat ; Dáithí Stone ; Xiaolan L Wang ; Michael Wehner ; William Drew Collins 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
GC23G. Hydrologic Processes in Earth System Models Posters
Tuesday, December 15 Poster GC23G-1197. Assessment of Large-Scale Water Storage Dynamics in the Community Land Model Sean C Swenson ; David M Lawrence 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
NG23A. Advances in Numerical Methods for Geophysical Modeling
Tuesday, December 15 Poster NG23A-1774. Improving Throughput of the ACME Climate Model by Parallel Splitting Atmospheric Physics and Dynamics Peter M Caldwell ; Mark Taylor 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
NG23A. Advances in Numerical Methods for Geophysical Modeling II Posters
Tuesday, December 15 Poster NG23A-1776. Implicit Time Stepping and Preconditioning for Atmospheric Dynamics in the Community Atmosphere Model David J Gardner ; Katherine J Evans ; Carol Woodward ; Rick Archibald ; Patrick Worley 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Tuesday, December 15 Poster NG23A-1778. Tempest: Tools for Addressing the Needs of Next-Generation Climate Models Paul Ullrich ; Jorge Eduardo Guerra ; Marielle Pinheiro ; Josephine Fong 1:40pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Tuesday, December 15 Poster NG23A-1780. MPAS-CICE: A new Los Alamos sea-ice model for regionally refined model domains Adrian Turner 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
NH23E. Interdisciplinary Modeling of Societal Vulnerability and Risk Reduction for Natural Hazards II
Tuesday, December 15 Oral NH23E-01. Socio-ecological Typologies for Understanding Adaptive Capacity of a Region to Natural Disasters Sujithkumar Surendran Nair ; Benjamin Preston ; Anthony W King ; Rui Mei 1:40pm; Moscone South - 302
A23O. Toward Reducing Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models: Evaluation, Understanding, and Improvement II
Tuesday, December 15 Oral, Invited A23O-03. Community-Based Benchmarking of the CMIP DECK Experiments Peter J Gleckler 2:10pm - 2:25pm; Moscone West - 3003
Tuesday, December 15 Oral A23O-06. Understanding and Reducing the Double ITCZ Bias in Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Models Minghua Zhang 2:55pm - 3:10pm; Moscone West - 3003
Tuesday, December 15 Oral A23O-08. Evaluating the Global Water Cycle at High-Resolution in the ACME Climate Model Christopher Terai ; Peter D Caldwell ; Stephen Klein 3:25pm - 3:40pm; Moscone West - 3003
B24E. Understanding Phenology across Scales and Improving Linkages to Ecosystem Functions III
Tuesday, December 15 Oral B24E-04. Influences of Vegetation Phenological Shifts on Water and Energy Cycle Xiyan Xu ; William Riley ; Charles Koven 4:00pm; Moscone West; 2006
GC24C. Tropical Cyclones and Climate on All Timescales II
Tuesday, December 15 Oral GC24C-03. Inconsistencies in Future Changes in Tropical Cyclone Statistics between CMIP5-Class Models and state of the art high resolution atmospheric models Michael Wehner ; Kevin Reed ; Mr Prabhat ; Dáithí Stone 4:30pm - 4:45pm; Moscone West - 3009

Wednesday, December 16

A31A. Aerosols, Clouds, Precipitation, Trace Gas Chemistry, Meteorology, and Their Complex Interactions in Amazonia III Posters
Wednesday, December 16 Poster A31A-0002. Development of Large-Scale Forcing Data for GoAmazon2014/5 Cloud Modeling Studies Shuaiqi Tang ; Shaocheng Xie ; Yunyan Zhang ; Courtney Schumacher ; Hannah M Upton ; Maike Ahlgrimm ; Zhe Feng 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Wednesday, December 16 Poster A31A-0008. Scale up the influence of aerosols on deep convection derived from GoAmazon/CHUVA measurement to Amazon basin Sudip Chakraborty ; Rong Fu 8:00am; Moscone South - Poster Hall
A31K. Regional Climate Modeling II
Wednesday, December 16 Oral, Invited A31K-01. Inevitable changes in snowpack and water resources over California’s Sierra Nevada Alexander D Hall ; Fengpeng Sun ; Daniel Walton ; Neil Berg ; Marla Schwartz 8:00am - 8:15am; Moscone West - 3008
B31A. Biogeophysical Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Change (LULCC) and Vegetation Disturbance from Micro- to Global Scales I Posters
Wednesday, December 16 Poster B31A-0523. Future Vegetation Dynamics and Associated Land Surface Feedbacks from 2010 to 2100 in the High Latitudes under a Changing Climate Bardan Ghimire ; William Riley ; Charles Koven ; Mingquan Mu ; James Tremper Randerson 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
B31D. Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change I Posters
Wednesday, December 16 Poster B31D-0597. Characterizing Organic Matter Liability in Alaskan Tundra Soils using Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy Zhaosheng Fan ; Roser Matamala ; Julie D Jastrow ; Chao Liang ; Francisco Calderon ; Gary Michaelson ; Chien-Lu Ping ; Umakant Mishra ; Scott M Hofmann 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Wednesday, December 16 Poster B31D-0618. Bioavailable Carbon and the Relative Degradation State of Organic Matter in Active Layer and Permafrost Soils Julie D Jastrow ; Victoria J Burke ; Timothy W Vugteveen ; Zhaosheng Fan ; Scott M Hofmann ; Jeremy S Lederhouse ; Roser Matamala ; Gary Michaelson ; Umakant Mishra ; Chien-Lu Ping 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
B31F. Soil Carbon Stocks, Fluxes, and Vulnerability at Large Spatial Scales I
Wednesday, December 16 Oral, Invited B31F-01. Improving Predictions of Large Scale Soil Carbon Dynamics: Integration of fine-scale hydrological and biogeochemical processes, scaling, and benchmarking William Riley ; Dipankar Dwivedi ; Bardan Ghimire ; Forrest M Hoffman ; George Shu Heng Pau ; James Tremper Randerson ; Chaopeng Shen ; Jinyun Tang ; Qing Zhu 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone West - 2008
Wednesday, December 16 Oral B31F-08. Using Multiple Soil Carbon Maps Facilitates Better Comparisons with Large Scale Modeled Outputs Kristofer Johnson ; David V D'Amore ; Neal J Pastick ; Helene Genet ; Umakant Mishra ; Bruce Wylie ; Norman B Bliss 9:30am - 9:45am; Moscone West - 2008
GC31A. Advancing Science of the Arctic System: Exploring the Past and Present to Predict the Future I Posters
Wednesday, December 16 Poster GC31A-1155. Collaboration in Arctic Research: Best Practices to Build and Sustain Successful Cross- and Trans-disciplinary Efforts Helen V Wiggins ; Robert H Rich 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Wednesday, December 16 GC31A-1157. Long-term Variability in Pacific Decadal Oscillation Teleconnections to Climate in Alaska: From "In a Relationship" to "It’s Complicated" Sonia Heckler ; Stephanie A McAfee 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Wednesday, December 16 Poster GC31A-1164. A New Ice-sheet / Ocean Interaction Model for Greenland Fjords using High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Michal A Kopera ; Wieslaw Maslowski ; Francis Giraldo 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Wednesday, December 16 Poster GC31A-1165. Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): A Tool to Address the U.S. Priorities and Advance Capabilities for Arctic Climate Modeling and Prediction Wieslaw Maslowski ; Andrew Roberts ; John J Cassano ; William J Gutowski ; Bart Nijssen ; Robert Osinski ; Xubin Zeng ; Michael Brunke ; Alice K DuVivier ; Joseph Hamman ; Saffia Hossainzadeh ; Mimi Hughes ; Mark W Seefeldt 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Wednesday, December 16 Poster GC31A-1166. Evaluation of Climate Model Skill in Representing Upper Arctic Ocean Hydrography for its Potential Effect on Sea Ice Dominic DiMaggio ; Wieslaw Maslowski ; Robert Osinski ; Andrew Roberts ; Jaclyn L Clement Kinney 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Wednesday, December 16 Poster GC31A-1168. Dynamical Circulation Regimes and Temperature Extremes in the Contemporary and 21st Century Arctic Brandon J Fisel ; William J Gutowski 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
GC31E. The Water-Energy Nexus: Data, Impacts, and Opportunities I Posters
Wednesday, December 16 Poster GC31E-1226. Global Energy Consumption for Direct Water Use Yaling Liu ; Mohamad Hejazi ; Son Kim ; Page Kyle ; Evan Davies ; Diego Mirales ; Ryan Teuling ; Yujie He ; Dev Niyogi 8:00am; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Wednesday, December 16 Poster GC31E-1234. An Integrated Assessment of Water Scarcity Effects on Energy and Land Use Decisions and Mitigation Policies Mohamad Issa Hejazi ; Son Kim ; Lu Liu ; Yaling Liu ; Katherine V Calvin ; Leon Clarke ; James Edmonds ; Page Kyle ; Pralit Patel ; Marshall Wise ; Evan G Davies 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
H31A. Advances in Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions I Posters
Wednesday, December 16 Poster H31A-1406. Effects of Explicit Convection on Global Land-atmosphere Coupling in the Superparameterized CAM Jian Sun ; Mike S Pritchard 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
IN31A. Advanced Information Systems to Support Climate Projection Data Analysis Posters
Wednesday, December 16 Poster IN31A-1743. WDAC Task Team on Observations for Model Evaluation: Facilitating the use of observations for CMIP Duane Waliser ; Peter J Gleckler ; Robert Ferraro ; Veronika Eyring ; Michael G Bosilovich ; Joerg Schulz ; Jean-Noel Thepaut ; Karl Taylor ; Hélène Chpfer ; Sandrine Bony ; Tsengdar Lee ; Renu Joseph ; Pierre-Philippe Mathieu ; Roger Saunders 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Wednesday, December 16 Poster IN31A-1744. netCDF Operators for Rapid Analysis of Measured and Modeled Swath-like Data Charles Zender 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
GC32B. Global and Regional Water-Food-Energy Security under Changing Environments II
Wednesday, December 16 Oral GC32B-02. Trade in Water and Commodities as Adaptations to Global Change Richard Lammers ; Thomas W Hertel ; Alexander A Proussevitch ; Uris Lantz C Baldos ; Steve Frolking ; Jing Liu ; Danielle S Grogan 10:35am - 10:50am; Moscone West - 3001
B31C. Terrestrial and Aquatic Responses to Changing Climate and Disturbance Regimes in Arctic and Sub-Arctic Regions I Posters
Wednesday, December 16 Poster B31C-0556. Carbon and Nutrient Responses to Fire and Climate Warming in Alaskan Arctic Tundra Yueyang Jiang ; Edward B Rastetter ; Gaius R Shaver ; Adrian V Rocha ; Bonnie Kwiatkowski ; Andrea Pearce ; Qianlai Zhuang ; Umakant Mishra 11:00am; Moscone South - Poster Hall
A32E. Intraseasonal to Decadal Climate Variability, Prediction, and Predictability Associated with Land-Atmosphere Interactions II
Wednesday, December 16 Oral A32E-04. Observed Oceanic and Terrestrial Drivers of North African Climate Yan Yu ; Michael Notaro ; Fuyao Wang ; Jiafu Mao ; Xiaoying Shi ; Yaxing Wei 11:05am - 11:20am; Moscone West - 3006
A33A. A New Look at Climate Diagnosis and Modeling in the Era of Climate Informatics I Posters
Wednesday, December 16 Poster A33A-0122. Enabling Efficient Climate Science Workflows in High Performance Computing Environments Hari Krishnan ; Suren Byna ; Michael Wehner ; Junmin Gu ; Travis O'Brien ; Burlen Loring ; Dáithí Stone ; William Drew Collins ; Mr Prabhat ; Yunjie Liu ; Jeffrey N Johnson ; Christopher J Paciorek 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
A33L. Mineral Dust Aerosols: From Small-Scale Insights to Large-Scale Understanding III Posters
Wednesday, December 16 Poster A33L-0379. Characterizing the Distributions and Sources of Dust during Atmospheric River Landfall in the Western U.S. Zhiyuan Hu ; Chun Zhao ; L. Ruby Leung ; Samson M Hagos ; Yun Qian ; Jianping Huang 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
GC33C. Global and Regional Water-Food-Energy Security under Changing Environments III Posters
Wednesday, December 16 Poster GC33C-1305. Understanding the relative influence of climatic variations and agricultural management practices on crop yields at the US county level Guoyong Leng ; Xuesong Zhang ; Maoyi Huang ; Qichun Yang ; Rashid Rafique ; Ghassem Asrar ; L. Ruby Leung 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
H33J. Advances in Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions II
Wednesday, December 16 Oral H33J-01. Understanding Spatial Variabilities in Clouds, Precipitation, Land/Surface Properties at the Southern Great Plains at Different Time Scales Qi Tang ; Shaocheng Xie ; Karl Taylor ; Yunyan Zhang ; Thomas Phillips ; Laura Riihimaki ; Krista Gaustad 1:40pm - 2:00pm; Moscone West - 3020
Wednesday, December 16 Oral H33J-02. Using ARM Observations to Evaluate Model Predictions of Land-Atmosphere Coupling on the U.S. Southern Great Plains Thomas Phillips ; Stephen Klein ; Hsi-Yen Ma 2:00pm - 2:20pm; Moscone West - 3020
A33R. Toward a Better Understanding of Moist Processes and Their Role in the Climate System I
Wednesday, December 16 Oral, Invited A33R-06. Resilience of an Explicitly Simulated Madden-Julian Oscillation to Extreme Basic State Variation Challenges Moisture Mode View Michael S Pritchard ; Da Yang 2:55pm - 3:10pm; Moscone West - 3012
H33L. Evapotranspiration, Evaporative Demand, and Droughts: From Empirical Shortcuts to Process-Based Understanding II
Wednesday, December 16 Oral H33L-08. Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends Jiafu Mao ; Wenting Fu ; Xiaoying Shi ; Daniel Ricciuto ; Joshua Fisher ; Robert Dickinson ; Yaxing Wei ; Willis Shem ; Shilong Piao ; Kaicun Wang ; Christopher Schwalm ; Hanqin Tian ; Mingquan Mu ; Muhammad Atlaf Arain ; Philippe Ciais ; Robert Cook ; Yong Jiu Dai ; Daniel Hayes ; Forrest M. Hoffman ; Maoyi Huang ; Suo Huang ; Deborah Huntzinger ; Akihiko Ito ; Atul Jain ; Anthony King ; Huimin Lei ; Chaoqun Lu ; Anna Michalak ; Nicholas Parazoo ; Changhui Peng ; Shushi Peng ; Benjamin Poulter ; Kevin Schaefer ; Elchin Jafarov ; Peter Thornton ; Weile Wang ; Ning Zeng ; Zhenzhong Zeng ; Fang Zhao ; Qiuan Zhu ; Zaichun Zhu 3:25pm - 3:40pm; Moscone West - 3022
GC34A. Advancing Science of the Arctic System: Exploring the Past and Present to Predict the Future II
Wednesday, December 16 Oral GC34A-01. The Impact of Model Uncertainty on Seasonal Sea Ice Forecasts Edward Blandchard-Wrigglesworth ; Cecilia M Bitz ; Richard I Cullather ; Wanqiu Wang ; Jinlun Zhang ; Francois E Massonnet ; Neven S Fuckar ; Pamela G Posey ; Matthieu Chevallier 4:00pm - 4:15pm; Moscone West - 3009
Wednesday, December 16 Oral, Invited GC34A-02. Simulation of Arctic climate with the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): Sensitivity to atmospheric processes (Invited) John J Cassano ; Alice K DuVivier ; Andrew Roberts ; Mimi Hughes ; Mark W Seefeldt ; Anthony Craig ; William J Gutowski ; Joseph Hamman ; Matthew Higgins ; Michael Brunke ; Brandon J Fisel ; Wieslaw Maslowski ; Bart Nijssen ; Robert Osinski ; Xubin Zeng 4:15pm - 4:30pm; Moscone West - 3009
Wednesday, December 16 Oral GC34A-03. The Challenge of Clouds and Surface Energy Fluxes in the Coupled Arctic System Matthew Shupe ; Amy Solomon ; Ola P G Persson 4:30pm - 4:45pm; Moscone West - 3009
Wednesday, December 16 Oral GC34A-04. A Global Sensitivity Analysis of Arctic Sea Ice to Parameter Uncertainty in the CICE v5.1 Sea Ice Model Jorge Urrego-Blanco ; Nathan Urban ; Elizabeth Hunke 4:45pm - 5:00pm; Moscone West - 3009
Wednesday, December 16 Oral GC34A-05. Modeling the Seasonal Ice Zone from the Air: use of repeat aerial hydrographic surveys to constrain a regional ice-ocean model in an area of rapidly evolving ice cover Sarah Dewey ; James Morison ; Jinlun Zhang 5:00pm - 5:15pm; Moscone West - 3009
Wednesday, December 16 Oral GC34A-06. Modelling Sea Ice and Surface Wave Interactions in Polar Regions Lucia Hosekova ; Yevgeny Aksenov ; Andrew Coward ; Timothy Williams ; Laurent Bertino ; A J George Nurser 5:15pm - 5:30pm; Moscone West - 3009
Wednesday, December 16 Oral GC34A-07. Arctic Marine Biogeochemistry in a Global Ice-Ocean Ecosystem Model: A Look at Seasonal Features and Spatial Patterns Clara Deal ; Meibing Jin ; Scott Elliott ; Nicole Jeffery ; Nadja Steiner ; Lucy Carpenter ; Rosie Chance 5:30pm - 5:45pm; Moscone West - 3009
Wednesday, December 16 Oral GC34A-08. Attribution of the Recent Winter Arctic warming and Sea-Ice Decline with Observation-based Data and Coupled Climate Model Simulations Sukyoung Lee ; Doo-Sun Raphael Park ; Steven B Feldstein ; Christian L E Franzke 5:45pm - 6:00pm; Moscone West - 3009
H34D. Evapotranspiration, Evaporative Demand, and Droughts: From Empirical Shortcuts to Process-Based Understanding III
Wednesday, December 16 Oral, Invited H34D-02. Evapotranspiration and Drought Changes: Some Key Issues Aiguo Dai 4:15pm; Moscone West 3022
A34C. High-Resolution Climate Modeling I
Wednesday, December 16 Oral, Invited A34C-03. Atmospheric Rivers and Heavy Precipitation From a Hierarchy of Climate Simulations L. Ruby Leung ; Samson M Hagos ; Jian Lu ; Chun Zhao ; Yang Gao 4:45pm - 5:00pm; Moscone West - 3012
A34A. Effects of Aerosol on the Variability of Cloud Properties and Precipitation I
Wednesday, December 16 Oral A34A-07. The Effects of Aerosols on the Summer Precipitation Over the Tibet Plateau Guoxing Chen ; Jing Yang ; Qing Bao ; Wei-Chyung Wang 5:30pm; Moscone West 3008
A34E. Observations, Modeling, and Effects of Mixed Phase Clouds I
Wednesday, December 16 Oral A34E-07. Mixed-Phase Cloud Physics and Southern Ocean Cloud Feedback in Climate Models Daniel McCoy ; Ivy Tan ; Dennis L Hartmann ; Mark Zelinka ; Trude Storelvmo 5:30pm - 5:45pm; Moscone West - 3004
Wednesday, December 16 Oral A34E-08. Observational Constraints on Mixed-Phase Clouds Imply Higher Climate Sensitivity Ivy Tan ; Trude Storelvmo ; Mark Zelinka 5:45pm - 6:00pm; Moscone West - 3004

Thursday, December 17

A41J. Toward a Better Understanding of Moist Processes and Their Role in the Climate System II Posters
Thursday, December 17 Poster A41J-0209. CAUSES: Clouds Above the United States and Errors at the Surface Hsi-Yen Ma ; Stephen Klein ; Shaocheng Xie ; Cyril Julien Morcrette ; Kwinten Van Weverberg ; Yunyan Zhang ; Min-Hui Lo 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Thursday, December 17 Poster A41J-0213. On the Relationship between Column Water Vapor and Deep Convection during GOAmazon 2014-2015: A Comparison to the Tropical Western Pacific Kathleen Schiro ; J David Neelin 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
B41A. Advances in Understanding the Scaling of Fine-Scale Spatial Hydrological and Biogeochemical Heterogeneity, Their Interactions, and Implications for Earth-System Dynamics Posters
Thursday, December 17 Poster B41A-0410. Temporal and spatial relationships between hydrologic and carbon budgets in an Amazonian watershed: Application of a coupled Subsurface - Land Surface Process Model Jie Niu ; Chaopeng Shen ; John Melack ; William Riley 8:00am; Moscone South - Poster Hall
H41A. Advances in Hydroclimatology and Climate Change I Posters
Thursday, December 17 Poster H41A-1276. Has the Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitude Hydrological Cycle Responded to Twentieth Century Aerosol Forcing? Francis H Lambert ; Joe Michael Osborne ; Margriet Groenendijk ; Anna B Harper ; Charles Koven ; Benjamin Poulter ; Thomas Pugh ; Stephen Sitch ; Benjamin Stocker ; Andy Wiltshire ; Soenke Zaehle 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
H41F. Remote Sensing and Modeling of Water Resources I Posters
Thursday, December 17 Poster H41F-1387. GRACE-assisted Budyko Hypothesis for Improved Estimates of Long-term Water Partitioning Kuai Fang ; Chaopeng Shen ; Joshua Fisher ; Jie Niu 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
A41R. Tropospheric Chemistry-Climate-Biosphere Interactions I
Thursday, December 17 Oral A41R-03. Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Climate and Air Quality in the CESM Natalie Mahowald ; Daniel Ward ; Silvia Kloster ; James Tremper Randerson ; Scott C Doney ; Keith T Lindsay ; Ernesto Munoz ; Sarah Schlunegger ; Danica Lombardozzi ; David M Lawrence ; Peter Lawrence ; Forrest M Hoffman 8:30am - 8:45am; Moscone West - 3008
GC41G. Characterizing and Interpreting Changes in Temperature and Precipitation Extremes I
Thursday, December 17 Oral GC41G-03. Changes in Extreme Warm and Cold Temperatures Associated with 20th Century Global Warming Prashant Sardeshmukh ; Gilbert P Compo ; Chesley McColl ; Cecile Penland 8:30am - 8:45am; Moscone West - 3003
Thursday, December 17 Oral GC41G-05. Diagnosing Possible Anthropogenic Contributions to Colorado Floods in September 2013 Pardeep Pall ; Christina Patricola ; Michael Wehner ; Dáithí Stone 9:00am - 9:15am; Moscone West - 3003
GC41H. Quantifying Uncertainty in Climate, Earth System, Integrated Assessment, and Impact Models and Observations I
Thursday, December 17 Oral GC41H-03. Can Large Scale Sea Ice Cover Changes Affect Precipitation Patterns over California? Ivana Cvijanovic ; Celine Bonfils ; Donald Lucas ; Benjamin Santer ; John Chiang 8:30am - 8:45am; Moscone West - 3001
C42B. Recent Advances in Monitoring, Measuring, and Modeling Snow and Cryospheric Processes for the Detection and Diagnosis of Change II
Thursday, December 17 Oral C42B-03. Modeling the Soil Moisture Response to Permafrost Thaw and Implications for the Permafrost-Carbon Feedback David M Lawrence ; Charles Koven ; Sean C Swenson ; William Riley ; Andrew G Slater 10:50am - 11:05am; Moscone West - 3005
B42C. Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change III
Thursday, December 17 Oral B42C-08. A Simplified, Data-Constrained Approach to Estimate the Permafrost Carbon-Climate Feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach Charles Koven ; Edward Schuur ; Christina Schaedel ; Theodore J Bohn ; Eleanor Burke ; Guangsheng Chen ; Xiaodong Chen ; Philippe Ciais ; Guido Grosse ; Jennifer Harden ; Daniel J Hayes ; Gustaf Hugelius ; Elchin Jafarov ; Gerhard Krinner ; Peter Kuhry ; David M Lawrence ; Andrew MacDougall ; Sergey S Marchenko ; Anthony McGuire ; Susan Natali ; Dmitry Nicolsky ; David Olefeldt ; Shushi Peng ; Vladimir E Romanovsky ; Kevin Schaefer ; Jens Strauss ; Claire Treat ; Merritt R Turetsky 12:05pm - 12:20pm; Moscone West - 2004
A43C. Marine Aerosols and Trace Gases II Posters
Thursday, December 17 Poster A43C-0287. The Simulated Impact of Dimethyl Sulfide Emissions on the Earth System Philip J Cameron-Smith ; Scott Elliott ; ManishKumar Baban Shrivastava ; Susannah M Burrows ; Mathew Maltrud ; Donald Lucas ; Steven John Ghan 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Thursday, December 17 Poster A43C-0298. How Much Does Sea Spray Aerosol Organic Matter Impact Clouds and Radiation? Sensitivity Studies in the Community Atmosphere Model Susannah M Burrows ; Xiaohong Liu ; Scott Elliott ; Richard Easter ; Balwinder Singh ; Philip Rasch 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Thursday, December 17 Poster A43C-0302. Impacts of Marine Ecodynamics on the Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) Production Shanlin Wang ; Scott M Elliott ; Mathew Maltrud ; Philip J Cameron-Smith ; Alexandra Jonko 1:40pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
A43D. Mechanisms of Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing on Regional Climate Variability and Change II Posters
Thursday, December 17 Poster A43D-0307. Ocean Mediation of Tropospheric Response to Reflecting and Absorbing Aerosols Yangyang Xu ; Shang-Ping Xie 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
A43J. Process-Oriented Evaluation of Climate Model Physics Using Observations and High-Resolution Models I
Thursday, December 17 Oral, Invited A43J-01. Constraining Processes Involved with Aerosol Effects on Cloud Radiative Forcing Steven John Ghan 1:40pm; Moscone West 3010
B43C. Characterizing Vegetation Structure with Remote Sensing I Posters
Thursday, December 17 Poster B43C-0549. Mapping Vegetation Canopy Structure and Distribution for Great Smoky Mountains National Park Using LiDAR Jon Weiner ; Jitendra Kumar ; Steven P Norman ; William Walter Hargrove ; Nathan Collier ; Forrest M Hoffman 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
B43L. The Depth Attenuation of Soil Organic Carbon Storage, Turnover, and Fate: Observations, Data Synthesis, and Modeling II
Thursday, December 17 Oral, Invited B43L-01. Comparing Global Soil Models to Soil Carbon Profile Databases Charles Koven ; Jennifer W Harden ; Yujie He ; David M Lawrence ; Lucas Nave ; Jonathan A O'Donnell ; Claire Treat ; Benjamin Sulman ; Evan S Kane 1:40pm - 1:55pm; Moscone West - 2008
Thursday, December 17 Oral B43L-02. Vertical Soil Carbon Distributions in the Contiguous United States: Effects of Land Cover and History of Cultivation Benjamin Sulman ; Lucas Nave ; Claire Treat ; Yujie He 1:55pm - 2:10pm; Moscone West - 2008
Thursday, December 17 Oral B43L-06. Recent Advances in Modeling Depth Distribution of Soil Carbon Storage Umakant Mishra ; Shijie Shu 2:55pm - 3:10pm; Moscone West - 2008
GC43A. Characterizing and Interpreting Changes in Temperature and Precipitation Extremes II Posters
Thursday, December 17 Poster GC43A-1157. Increasing Rainfall in Central U.S. Driven by Changes in Mesoscale Convective Systems Zhe Feng ; L. Ruby Leung ; Samson M Hagos ; Qing Yang 1:40pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
GC43C. Quantifying Uncertainty in Climate, Earth System, Integrated Assessment, and Impact Models and Observations II Posters
Thursday, December 17 Poster GC43C-1205. Sensitivity of Land Surface Modeling to Parameters: An uncertainty quantification method applied to the Community Land Model Rui Mei ; Daniel Ricciuto ; Jiafu Mao ; Forrest M Hoffman ; Jitendra Kumar 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Thursday, December 17 Poster GC43C-1211. Constraints on Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity using a Reduced-Order Climate Model Alexandra K Jonko ; Nathan Urban 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Thursday, December 17 Poster GC43C-1224. Using Nudged Simulations to Investigate Parameter Sensitivities in CAM5 Guangxing Lin ; Kai Zhang ; Yun Qian ; Hui Wan ; Steven John Ghan 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Thursday, December 17 Poster GC43C-1225. UQ-Guided Selection of Physical Parameterizations in Climate Models Donald Lucas ; Bert Debusschere ; Steven John Ghan ; Daniele Rosa ; Vera Bulaevskaya ; Gemma Jayne Anderson ; Kenny Chowdhary ; Yun Qian ; Guangxing Lin ; Vincent Larson ; Guang Zhang ; David Randall 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Thursday, December 17 Poster GC43C-1226. CAM5 Climate Model Calibration Across Multiple Spatial Resolutions Vera Bulaevskaya ; Donald Lucas 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Thursday, December 17 Poster GC43C-1227. Resolution Dependence of Simulated Extreme Wave Climate in the North Atlantic in a Changing Climate Ben Timmermans ; Dáithí Stone ; Michael Wehner ; Hari Krishnan 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
GC43D. Climate Extremes: Trends, Mechanisms, and Prediction II
Thursday, December 17 Oral GC43D-06. The Joint Statistics of California Temperature and Precipitation as a Function of the Large-scale State of the Climate John Patrick O'Brien ; Travis O'Brien 1:40pm; Moscone West - 3012
Thursday, December 17 Oral GC43D-08. The Self-Regulated Induction of United States Cold Air Outbreaks by the North Atlantic Oscillation Robert X Black ; Rebecca M Westby 3:25pm; Moscone West - 3012
IN43A. Big Data in the Geosciences: New Analytics Methods and Parallel Algorithms Posters
Thursday, December 17 Poster IN43A-1721. Scalable Algorithms for Unsupervised Classification and Anomaly Detection in Large Geospatiotemporal Data Sets Richard T Mills ; Forrest M Hoffman ; Jitendra Kumar 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
PP43D. The Role of Meltwater in Abrupt Climate Change: From the Arctic to Antarctic II Posters
Thursday, December 17 Poster PP43D-2306. Influence of the Freshwater Forcing Patway on the AMOC during 8.2K Event Aixue Hu ; Bette Otto-Bliesner ; Nan Rosenbloom 1:40pm - 6:00pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
OS43B. US CLIVAR Session on the Global Energy Balance, Ocean Heat Content, and the Warming Hiatus II
Thursday, December 17 Oral OS43B-04. Total Human-Caused Global Ocean Heat Uptake Nearly Doubles During Recent Surface Warming Hiatus Peter J Gleckler ; Paul Durack ; Ronald Stouffer ; Gregory Johnson ; Chris Forest 2:25pm - 2:40pm; Moscone West - 3009
C43E. Hydrology of Glaciers, Ice Caps, and Ice Sheets in Past, Present, and Future Climates III
Thursday, December 17 Oral, Invited C43E-05. Effects of Isolated Drainage on the Seasonal Evolution of the Greenland Subglacial Hydrologic System Matthew J Hoffman ; Stephen Price ; Lauren C Andrews ; Ginny A Catania ; Jason Gulley ; Martin P Luethi ; Claudia Ryser ; Robert L Hawley ; Thomas Neumann 2:40pm - 2:55pm; Moscone West - 3002
A44A. Climate Sensitivity and Feedbacks: Advances and New Paradigms I
Thursday, December 17 Oral, Invited A44A-01. What We (Don’t) Know About Radiative Forcing and What this Implies for Feedback Studies Robert Pincus 4:00pm - 4:15pm; Moscone West - 3006
A44C. Precipitation, Weather, and Climate: Atmospheric Rivers and Aerosol-Cloud Interaction Studies I
Thursday, December 17 Oral, Invited A44C-01. CalWater 2015 — Atmospheric Rivers and Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation J Ryan Spackman ; F Martin Ralph ; Kimberly A Prather ; Dan Cayan ; Paul J DeMott ; Michael D Dettinger ; James D Doyle ; Chris W Fairall ; L. Ruby Leung ; Daniel Rosenfeld ; Steven Rutledge 4:00pm - 4:15pm; Moscone West - 3010
Thursday, December 17 Oral, Invited A44C-02. Modeling Aerosol Effects on Clouds and Precipitation: Insights from CalWater 2015 L. Ruby Leung ; Kyo-sun Sunny Lim ; Jiwen Fan ; Kimberly A Prather ; Paul J DeMott ; J Ryan Spackman ; F Martin Ralph 4:15pm; Moscone West - 3010
B43I. Soil Carbon Stocks, Fluxes, and Vulnerability at Large Spatial Scales II Posters
Thursday, December 17 Poster B43I-0659. Identifying the Main Drivers of Soil Carbon Response to Climate Change in Arctic and Boreal Alaska Helene Genet ; Anthony McGuire ; Yujie He ; Kristofer Johnson ; Bruce Wylie ; Neal J Pastick ; Qianlai Zhuang ; Zhiliang Zhu 4:40pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Thursday, December 17 B43I-0671. Capturing Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Organic Carbon under Changing Climate Umakant Mishra ; Zhaosheng Fan ; Julie D Jastrow ; Roser Matamala ; Udaya Vitharana 4:40pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
H44F. Remote Sensing and Modeling of Water Resources II
Thursday, December 17 Oral H44F-04. Using the Community Land Model to Assess Uncertainty in Basin Scale GRACE-Based Groundwater Estimates Sean C Swenson ; David M Lawrence 4:45pm - 5:00pm; Moscone West - 3022

Friday, December 18

A15F. Convection across Scales: Aggregation, Organization, and Stochasticity I Posters
Friday, December 18 Poster A15F-0133. Effects of Scale Coupling Frequency on Convective Organization in the Superparameterized Community Atmospehre Model Sungduk Yu ; Michael Pritchard 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
A51C. Climate Sensitivity and Feedbacks: Advances and New Paradigms II Posters
Friday, December 18 Poster A51C-0049. Low Cloud Cover Trend during the Last Three Decades Chen Zhou ; Mark Zelinka ; Stephen Klein 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Friday, December 18 Poster A51C-0052. Don’t Count on It: Reasons to doubt a strong negative cloud feedback Mark Zelinka ; Christopher Terai ; Chen Zhou ; Stephen Klein 8:00am; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Friday, December 18 Poster A51C-0061. The Role of SST and Large-Scale Dynamical Motions on the Onset and Shutdown of the Super Greenhouse Effect Travis O'Brien ; Karthik Kashinath ; William Drew Collins 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Friday, December 18 Poster A51C-0063. Temperature, Precipitation, and Circulation in GFDL Aqua-Planet Model Tra Dinh ; Stephan Fueglistaler 8:00am; Moscone South - Poster Hall
A51D. Cloud-Scale Processes: Modeling, Observation, and Parameterization for Larger Scale Models II Posters
Friday, December 18 Poster A51D-0075. Low Clouds over the Western Pacific Ocean in ARM Observations and CAM5 Simulations Chidong Zhang ; David Maximiliano Zermeno ; Arunchandra S Chandra ; Hsi-Yen Ma ; Stephen Klein 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
A51E. Clouds, Precipitation, and Climate Change I Posters
Friday, December 18 Poster A51E-0109. Subtropical Cloud Response to Increased Carbon Dioxide in Single-Column Models Brian Medeiros ; Christopher Stephen Bretherton ; Minghua Zhang ; Peter N Blossey 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
A51H. Identifying Links between the Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation and Climate Extremes I Posters
Friday, December 18 Poster A51H-0157. Extreme Temperature Regimes during the Cool Season and their Associated Large-Scale Circulations Zuowei Xie 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Friday, December 18 Poster A51H-0164. SOMs-Based Analysis of WRF Extreme Daily Precipitation in Alaska Justin M Glisan 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
A51I. Marine Boundary Layer Clouds and Aerosols: Observations and Process Modeling I Posters
Friday, December 18 Poster A51I-0186. A Mechanism Study of Cloud Droplet Activation Near Cloud Top over the Southeast Pacific Yulu Qiu ; Guoxing Chen ; Wei-Chyung Wang ; Hong Liao ; Jen-Ping Chen ; Huiwen Xue 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Friday, December 18 Poster A51I-0187. Reproducing Cloud and Boundary Layer Structure Observed in MAGIC Campaign using Ship-Following Large-Eddy Simulations Jeremy J McGibbon ; Christopher Stephen Bretherton 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
A51J. Multiscale Modeling of the Atmosphere I Posters
Friday, December 18 Poster A51J-0201. Upscale Effects of Variable-Resolution Meshes on the Large-Scale Circulation Koichi Sakaguchi ; Jian Lu ; L. Ruby Leung ; Chun Zhao 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Friday, December 18 Poster A51J-0204. Impacts of Resolution-Dependent Physics in Aquaplanet Simulations Chun Zhao ; L. Ruby Leung ; Samson Hagos ; Jian Lu ; Koichi Sakaguchi ; Jinho Yoon ; Sang-hun Park ; Michael Duda ; William Skamarock 8:00am; Moscone South - Poster Hall
A51M. Process-Oriented Evaluation of Climate Model Physics Using Observations and High-Resolution Models II Posters
Friday, December 18 Poster A51M-0257. On a Spurious Cloud/PBL Oscillation in CAM5 CAPT Simulations with CLUBB and MG2 Scheme Xue Zheng ; Stephen Klein ; Hsi-Yen Ma ; Vincent Larson ; Andrew Gettleman ; Peter Bogenschutz 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
A51P. Tropical Cyclones: Observations, Modeling, and Predictability II Posters
Friday, December 18 Poster A51P-0334. Systematic Characterization of Cyclogenesis in High Resolution Climate Model Simulations Yunjie Liu ; Pooja Rao ; Karthik Kashinath ; Mr Prabhat ; Travis O'Brien 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
A51T. Frontiers of the Radiation Parameterizations in the Climate and Weather Models I
Friday, December 18 Oral, Invited A51T-01. Radiative Flux and Forcing Parameterization Error in Clear, Aerosol-Free Skies Robert Pincus 8:00am; Moscone West - 3006
Friday, December 18 Oral A51T-08. Impact of Multiple Scattering on Infrared Radiative Transfer Involving Ice Clouds Chia-Pang Kuo ; Ping Yang ; Xianglei Huang ; Daniel Feldman ; Mark Flanner 9:24am; Moscone West - 3006
Friday, December 18 Oral A51T-10. An Observationally Based Global Band-by-Band Surface Emissivity Dataset for Climate and Weather Modeling Effort Xianglei Huang ; Xiuhong Chen ; Daniel K Zhou ; Xu Liu 9:48am - 10:00am; Moscone West - 3006
B51D. Climatic Controls on Vegetation Dynamics in Tropical Forests I Posters
Friday, December 18 Poster B51D-0467. Modeling Amazon Forest Vegetation Dynamics and Community Response to Increased Wind Disturbance Jennifer Holm ; Robinson I Negron Juarez ; Jeffrey Q Chambers ; Daniel Marra ; Sami W Rifai ; Ryan Knox ; William Riley ; Charles Koven ; Megan McGroddy ; Jose D Urquiza-Muñoz ; Rodil Tello-Espinoza ; Gabriel H P M Ribiero ; Niro Higuchi 8:00am; Moscone South - Poster Hall
C51A. Advances in Understanding Sea Ice Variability and Change in the Coupled Earth System I Posters
Friday, December 18 Poster C51A-0683. Inter-Comparison of Isotropic and Anisotropic Sea Ice Rheology in a Fully Coupled Model Andrew Roberts ; John J Cassano ; Wieslaw Maslowski ; Robert Osinski ; Mark W Seefeldt ; Mimi Hughes ; Alice K DuVivier ; Bart Nijssen ; Joseph Hamman ; Jennifer K Hutchings ; Elizabeth Hunke 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
C51C. Modeling of the Cryosphere: Glaciers and Ice Sheets I Posters
Friday, December 18 Poster C51C-0734. Simulating Marine Ice Sheets with the Community Ice Sheet Model William Lipscomb ; Gunter Leguy ; Xylar Asay-Davis 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
Friday, December 18 Poster C51C-0741. Building confidence in the Community Ice Sheet Model (CISM) with LIVVkit, the land-ice validation and verification toolkit Joseph Kennedy ; Andrew R Bennett ; Katherine J Evans ; Patrick Worley ; Stephen Price ; Matthew J Hoffman 8:00am; Moscone South - Poster Hall
H51K. Modeling Hydrological Processes and Changes III Posters
Friday, December 18 Poster H51K-1526. Infrastructure Upgrades to Support Model Longevity and New Applications: The Variable Infiltration Capacity Model Version 5.0 (VIC 5.0) Joseph Hamman ; Bart Nijssen ; Theodore J Bohn 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
NH51F. Spacetime Statistics and Data Mining for Natural Hazards and Weather Extremes Posters
Friday, December 18 Poster NH51F-1959. Deep Learning for Climate Pattern Detection Mr Prabhat ; Yunjie Liu ; Joaquin Correa ; Evan Racah ; Sang-Yun Oh ; Amir Khosrowshahi ; David Lavers ; Michael Wehner ; William Drew Collins 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
PA51A. Climate Research to Applications: Realizing Societal Benefits of Information from US CLIVAR Science Posters
Friday, December 18 Poster PA51A-2199. Filling A Capability and Decision Support Gap between Weather and Seasonal Forecasts: The role of USCLIVAR and initiating efforts of its MJO Working Group Duane Waliser ; Kenneth Sperber 8:00am - 12:20pm; Moscone South - Poster Hall
A51W. The Underappreciated Aerosol Coarse Mode II
Friday, December 18 Oral, Invited A51W-04. Resuspension of Aerosol Particles from Evaporated Rain Drops to the Coarse Mode Hailong Wang ; Richard Easter ; Dilip Ganguly ; Balwinder Singh ; Philip Rasch 8:45am - 9:00am; Moscone West - 3002
G51B. Regional and Global Sea Level Variability and Projections II
Friday, December 18 Oral G51B-08. Evaluating Depth-Integrated Steric Contributions to Sea-Level Trends and Variability in Earth System Model Ensembles Emily Hogan ; Ryan Sriver 9:45am - 10:00am; Moscone West - 2002
A52A. A New Look at Climate Diagnosis and Modeling in the Era of Climate Informatics II
Friday, December 18 Oral A52A-01. Data informatics for the Detection, Characterization, and Attribution of Climate Extremes William Drew Collins ; Michael Wehner ; Travis O'Brien ; Christopher J Paciorek ; Hari Krishnan ; Jeffrey N Johnson ; Mr Prabhat 10:20am - 10:35am; Moscone West - 3008
H52B. Metamodeling and Surrogate Modeling: Addressing Model Uncertainty and Support for Decision Making I
Friday, December 18 Oral H52B-07. Sparse Polynomial Chaos Surrogate for ACME Land Model via Iterative Bayesian Compressive Sensing Khachik Sargsyan ; Daniel Ricciuto ; Cosmin Safta ; Bert Debusschere ; Habib Najm ; Peter Thornton 11:50am - 12:05pm; Moscone West - 3014
A53B. Frontiers of the Radiation Parameterizations in the Climate and Weather Models II Posters
Friday, December 18 Poster A53B-0376. Quantification of the Errors Associated with the Representation of Surface Emissivity in Atmospheric Models